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:: techAdmin wrote ::
sgfxi works with debian. Doesn't matter if it's liquorix kernel.

You can try, sgfxi -n

should install nouveau, blacklist etc, reboot.

Might work, might not, you never know.

or I don't understand you, or you don'tunderstand me
liquorix don't boot, I won't try sgfxi with default kernel?
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It makes little difference to me what you use to test with nouveau, I suggested sgfxi because it's easy and fast to go between non free and nouveau, but you can do all this stuff manually too if you want.

Since the driver you are running is unlikely to be related to your issue, however, it probably doesn't matter.

Good luck with your efforts.
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I use Liquorix and the proprietary NVIDIA drivers. I had similar problems which I was able to resolve by upgrading all three of smxi/sgfxi, Liquorix and NVIDIA:

1. Log in to a root terminal as you would to upgrade via smxi.

2. Upgrade smxi/sgfxi to the latest versions:
:: Code ::
$ smxi -! 20

$ head /usr/local/bin/smxi
####  Script Name: smxi
####  version: 8.15.19
####  Date: 2015-08-20

$ head /usr/local/bin/sgfxi
####  Script Name: simple/system graphics installer: sgfxi
####  Debian Sid, Testing, and Stable graphic driver install.
####  New: Ubuntu support in progress. Arch/Fedora Support under development
####  version: 4.24.61
####  Date: 2015-12-09

3. Run smxi, and upgrade the Liquorix kernel. Currently, 4.3-3.

4. Continue on to upgrade graphics, and install the NVIDIA beta driver. Currently, 358.16.

Hope this helps.
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now I use NVIDIA 352.55, installed with sgfxi, only beta work with liquorix? I don't like beta, because steam and games crash with beta driver...
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:: fremantle wrote ::
now I use NVIDIA 352.55, installed with sgfxi, only beta work with liquorix? I don't like beta, because steam and games crash with beta driver...

It seems that NVIDIA doesn't call 358.16 'beta'. Their driver page ( ) shows:

Linux x86_64/AMD64/EM64T
Latest Long Lived Branch version: 352.63
Latest Short Lived Branch version: 358.16

It's just that sgfxi classifies it as such to distinguish the two. Semantics.

I've had no problems with 358.16. YMMV.
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what distro you use? liquorix don't boot, I try upgrade kernel and nvidia driver with sgfxi, nothing
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Debian unstable (Sid).
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can you say step by step, how to install liquorix on sid for noob? please
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:: fremantle wrote ::
can you say step by step, how to install liquorix on sid for noob? please

AFAIK, this should work on any Debian/Ubuntu system:
1. Install smxi:
:: Code ::
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ sudo unzip /tmp/
$ sudo ./smxi -! 20
$ reboot

2. Log into 'recovery mode' from grub menu.
3. Run 'sxmi'. Just follow all the prompts to install Liquorix. Do not exit sxmi after Liquorix install, but follow prompts to 'continue to graphics', and install the NVIDIA beta driver.

You have to install the driver right after installing the kernel (without exiting smxi) so that the driver gets applied to the kernel.

If you exit smxi after the kernel install, but before the driver install, then you need to reboot back into the recovery console so that the 'new' kernel will be active. Then you can run sgfxi to install the driver on the new kernel.

Good luck.
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There was a short term glitch in the sgfxi version handling because the nvidia version data file was not updated, it's correct, the current 'beta' driver is in fact the current short term stable.

Thanks for that comment, I'll fix that.

There's no point in downloading smxi to the /tmp directory:

:: Code ::
cd /usr/local/bin
chmod +x smxi

smxi will pull in all the pieces of itself it needs, including sgfxi when you start it from smxi.

To install liquorix to a debian system, start smxi, go to the advanced kernel options, add the liquorix sources there, it will update again, then you can install it, and set it to the default smxi kernel, and so on.

smxi does not and will never support ubuntu, sgfxi more or less does, but not fully.
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