smxi: only one source !! ??
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Hello submarine!!
It's the second time, I install smxi for my sid; it's genious!
but now, fron one week to othet week, my ... heu... mise à jour, has only 2 packages to mettre à jour!
Before, that was each week about hundred packages!!
The las week, smxi ask me if I want non-free packages and I answer yes;
In spite of that, this week, only 2 packages to ... ???
I open my sources.list and that I see:
:: Code ::
# Liquorix sources added by smxi
deb sid main

only one source!!! is it normal??
How can I have other sources ???
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run inxi -r

this will show you your files and repos.

inxi -r

it's pretty much foolproof.

I am not aware of any way that smxi could possible delete your files by accident, it doesn't work that way, though I can check to make sure there's no bug in it.
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Sorry, I thought I'd found an issue, but it's not there, so no, as far as I can tell, smxi cannot ever remove your source files.

If the file is present, existing, it updates it, if it is not, it creates it.

It never overwrites sources.list, or any sources.list.d/*.list file. It either adds to them, or creates them if they are missing.

Given how many times smxi has been used, such a glaring issue would be visible immediately.

I suggest you use use pastebin or something and post: /var/log/smxi.log

My guess is something failed in networking and apt failed to update, though I'd need to see: inxi -r first to confirm what is in your current sources.
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Good morning...
OK with you,
but my problem is that with smxi, I have only onse source !:
deb sid main
and when I do smxi to update my sid,
I have only one or two packages to update!

Before, with un other PC, I installed smxi and when I used smxi, every week, that was hundreds packages to update.

Is it normal??? and so long, I ask: how can I add with smxi, other sources, if there are...

edit: and:, !! ?? :
:: Code ::
alain@Siderante:~$ inxi -r
bash: inxi : commande introuvable
alain@Siderante:~$ su -
Mot de passe :
root@Siderante:~# inxi -r
-su: inxi : commande introuvable

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if you have no debian sources to start with, then you have no debian sources now. smxi doesn't install debian sources, it assumes your system already has them.

inxi a program, you have to install it if you don't have it.
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in my /etc/apt/sources.list with only this source:
:: Code ::
# Liquorix sources added by smxi
deb sid main

I add these:
:: Code ::
deb sid main contrib non-free
deb sid main

and I did apt-get update followed by an apt-get dist-upgrade
Big surprise! that delete hundred of my packages!!
Finish KDE and many others...
so that I must delete my partition Debian-sid
and restore an older one...
So, now, I have my Sid with only Liquorix source and not knowing a soluce.
heu... that would be very well if you propose me a, your? sources.list
because, now, i'm lost!!!
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smxi would have and did warn you about KDE packages being removed.

Right now kde is in a big transition to qt 5 / plasma 5 /frameworks 5 and not all the kde packages are updated for kde 5 yet.

Those get removed if you do the upgrade.

This is why you read the list of packages to be removed, and then decide whether to proceed with the upgrade or stop.

Removing the sources is the wrong solution the right solution is stopping, and not upgrading until those packages no longer all get removed if you use KDE.

This issue has nothing to do with smxi.

It sounds to me like you have a fundamental confusion about how to operate a Debian Sid based operating system, my advice to you is to move over to either Debian Stable or Debian testing. Testing generally does not move packages from sid until these types of dramatic version upgrades are smoothed over. Stable is stable, though the packages do get old over time.
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Yes, I know Debian Stable and Testing
and anytime I come back to Sid... for fun...

OK? I shall formate my Sid, install a testing, going to sid, apt-dist-upgrade
and adding by smxi the Liquorix source. I know very well this long way.

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I don't know what you are talking about. You seem to believe you know sid, but you clearly do not.

There is no need to reformat anything, you won't be able to install KDE at this moment, well parts of it, yes, but otherwise, no.

There are apparently a lot of issues with sid at the moment, not just kde, it doesn't matter how you approach installing sid, you still end with sid.

I said to use testing or stable to AVOID these issues if you aren't comfortable with Sid at the moment, not to use them to then install Sid, and immediately get those same issues immediately.

Obviously, you can do things like install testing, pin apt to testing, then add sid repos, and install some things from sid, which is what I tend to do if I want testing but also want a few things from sid.

Anyway, these things have nothing to do with smxi or smxi support, so I'll leave this thread alone.
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