Machine just black screens after Nvidia driver installed
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Hi - hope this is the right place, but I've just run sgfxi on an antiX system and (so it would appear) all goes well - Nvidia driver installs, etc.

Script throws an error, but seems to continue OK. Error is;
:: Code ::
/usr/local/binm/sfgxi: line 8298: [: /etc/init.d/slim: binary operator expected

On reboot, nothing. Nada. Zip. Black screen.

sgfxi.log is at

Bottom of the Xorg.0.log file contains;

:: Code ::

[   168.984] (**) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
[   168.984] (WW) Hotplugging is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse' or 'vmmouse' will be disabled.
[   168.984] (WW) Disabling Mouse0
[   168.984] (WW) Disabling Keyboard0
[   168.985] (EE) [drm] KMS not enabled
[   168.985] (EE) [drm] KMS not enabled
[   168.985] (EE) [drm] KMS not enabled
[   168.985] Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices.
  Configuration failed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated - I'm a tad out of my depth with this one.
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You also need to post the /var/log/sgfxi/sgfxi.log file, as there is more info in that log file to help solve the issue.
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he linked to the log file.

moldor, I've hopefully corrected that error, which should not have existed, why it does, is beyond me, since that's very old code.

However, your xorg log suggests this is not the problem, but it wouldn't hurt to try sgfxi again, then post the logs again.

usually screen not found errors are what creates a blackscreen, but your multiple screens thing is odd.

What is the actual configuration of your system, show: inxi -Fxz and also note how many monitors are attached, and paste a copy of /etc/X11/xorg.conf so I can see if there is a corruption in it.

You can alternately also run: sgfxi --debugger
after updating sgfxi to new version, that will generate and upload a debugger file with all that information in it for me.
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Ran sgfxi --debugger and I believe the file has uploaded OK - filename should be sgfxi-2015-07-08-222640vader-root.tar.gz/

Let me know if there's anything else I should send.[/code]
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168.985] Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices.
Configuration failed.

My guess is that this is right.

So your xorg.conf shows two screens, ie, two monitors. How many do you have? How many are attached?

Is this a desktop PC? it looks like one from the data.
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Nah, it's a VERY grunty laptop from - P150SM... And I have the internal 15.6" and an external 24" (via micro display port).
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From the xorg.conf it looks like the intel video is not used, and just two ports from the nvidia, is this right?

So there should be an empty video port on the laptop, I think anyway.

Though I dont' know how it works, inxi reports intel and nvidia, but on a laptop that doesn't make much sense.

There's no load error beyond the screens thing for xorg driver stuff, but an intel plus nvidia laptop is not a usual case.

I'm not clear on what assigns the video, is that a bios thing?

This is actually a new xorg error for me, I don't really know that one. Usually drivers get unloaded at some point, but something made xorg just quit and die there before anything could happen.
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The way it's SUPPOSED to work under Windows is that the Intel card is the primary, and you can switch to the Nvidia for gaming, etc. And in windows this works, also worked in an older version of Ubuntu I was using.

In fact, you can ignore the Intel card all together and just run Nvidia - it has HDMI, Display Port and mini Display Port outputs, all of which can be driven separately - yes, I can have 3 x external screens plus the internal one !!

I'm going to have a bit of a fiddle over the coming weekend, and I'll post anything I find here - I certainly didn't mean for you to fix the issue for me, although any pointers would greatly help. Worst case I'll run without the Nvidia card or use the Nouveau drivers (they're a lot better than they used to be).
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Oh, no worries, you're providing the data requested, which is all I really ask.

This setup is so specific however that honestly it's something I haven't seen, and xorg is clearly getting confused by something or other.

Your xorg log shows that both monitors are attached to the nvidia device, you can see that from the pcibus id numbers.

I did not see the pcibus id number for the intel int he xorg log, though I could have missed it, I should probably look again.

But sgfxi didnt' seem to get confused by it, it should have asked you however when you started it to select which card you were going to use, since it can't know this. If it didn't, that could be a sgfxi bug, but it doesn't seem like it had any negative impact since the pcibus id is right in xorg.conf as well, which would be the normal cause for failure.

You have the latest nvidia driver and the card should be supported by it, but again, the xorg error itself does not at all point to driver failure, it points to something more basic in terms of what it sees when it starts the system's displays.

I won't hazard a guess, but this could be an xorg issue as well, given your somewhat unusual graphics configuration that would not surprise me.

There was a slim issue which would have prevented sgfxi from starting x the first time you ran it, hopefully that is now resolved, but that wouldn't impact the xorg.conf or driver install, and a simple reboot or manual start of the desktop would fix that anyway so if you get a blackscreen, it really looks like it's an xorg issue, or xorg.conf issue.

This is why I'm glad I made the sgfxi debugger thing, it makes it a lot easier to pin down the matter.
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