Locale request for weather.
Status: New User - Welcome
Joined: 29 Jun 2015
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As a feature request Would it be possible to take locale info consideration eg:

# locale | grep LC_IDENTIFICATION=

Actual Result:
# inxi -wxxxW V0N1G0
Weather: Conditions: 79 F (26 C) - Partly Cloudy Wind: From the SSW at 8 MPH Humidity: 65%
Pressure: 29.94 in (1014 mb) Location: Bowen Island BC (CA) Altitude: -3048 ft
Time: June 29, 7:59 PM PDT Observation Time: June 29, 7:00 PM PDT

Expected Result:
# inxi -wxxxW V0N1G0
Weather: Conditions: 26 C - Partly Cloudy Wind: From the SSW at 7 KN Humidity: 65%
Pressure: 1014 mb Location: Bowen Island BC (CA) Altitude: -929 m
Time: June 29, 7:59 PM PDT Observation Time: June 29, 7:00 PM PDT

Thank you.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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I get asked this now and then, but unfortunately the weather data source is US based and they don't offer alternate metric output formats, it's not dynamic in terms of formatting.

Trying to guess by parsing and replacing would be the road to madness since the data is actually just strings which can vary widely.
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