Changelogs for Liquorix kernels?
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I'm probably missing something here,but are there any changelogs for Liquorix kernels somewhere?
I'm just curious because as of yesterday new kernels arrived in Debian and Ubuntu to provide a security patch for a newly discovered vulnerability
and right after that I've also seen a new Liquorix kernel (linux-image-3.13-11.dmz.2-liquorix-amd64) available in the main past repo:is that because of some similar issue,or maybe it has nothing to do with it?
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Those security fixes are patching old kernels. Do you know if this security vulnerability effects 3.11 and higher?

Also, the kernel changelog is available in the debian package. Each update has a message of what changed. It goes back to the first liquorix kernel released.
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Do you know if this security vulnerability effects 3.11 and higher?

To be fair,no.I've just observed that new kernels arrived more or less at the same time for Debian and Ubuntu,and Liquorix as well,so I did speculate about the conclusion that they were maybe addressing a similar issue.
Looking now at it,the Ubuntu security notice that I've linked does indeed refer to a pre-3.11 kernel (because it's about their current LTS release),but their newest affected release
does indeed use a 3.11 kernel.

When you say that changelogs for Liquorix kernels are available in the debian package,what do you exactly mean?
I understand this is kind of a dumb question,but if I'm using these kernels on one of the debian-based distros,how can I access those changelogs?
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Run dpkg -L on the package name and grep for changelog:
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$ dpkg -L linux-image-3.13-11.dmz.2-liquorix-amd64  | grep -i changelog

Then you can open the file:
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$ zcat /usr/share/doc/linux-image-3.13-11.dmz.2-liquorix-amd64/changelog.Debian.gz | head
linux-liquorix (3.13-8) unstable; urgency=medium

  * revert bfq change, causes kernel panic at boot
  * update version to 11.dmz.2

 -- Steven Barrett <>  Wed, 23 Apr 2014 22:26:50 -0500

linux-liquorix (3.13-7) unstable; urgency=medium

  * merge 3.13.11

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Thanks a lot.I'll admit sometimes I get lost over the small things,I should have figured that out.
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