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Older builds with headers packages, are there somewhere?
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I have debian wheezy amd64 and I am sure, that older liquorix packages would work on my system without messing with gcc/glibc.

I found as the oldest these:
:: Code ::

I need headers to rebuild some kernel modules and I am unable to - dkms failed on nvidia driver:
:: Code ::
scripts/basic/fixdep: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by scripts/basic/fixdep)
 38 make[2]: *** [/var/lib/dkms/nvidia/304.88/build/nv.o] Error 1
 39 make[1]: *** [_module_/var/lib/dkms/nvidia/304.88/build] Error 2
 40 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.10-22.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64'
 41 make: *** [modules] Error 2

Is there some place where I can go to? If not...why?
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smxi offers the last of each major liquorix kernel series back to I think 2.6.32. The installer has both headers and image files in it, because you should in general always install the headers, for the reason you show clearly here, you never know when headers will be needed, and it's often hard to find old kernel headers that match your kernel, which is why smxi always in all cases installs the image/headers both, including for the archived kernels.

I only offer this via smxi as a service to smxi users.

It's in alternate-kernel-install section of smxi kernel section.

You can actually run this in X, if you use the -G option for smxi.

Only the last liquorix kernel for each major kernel version are stored, but since that's the one you should be using anyway due to patches and fixes, that's not a real drawback.

Note that the last liquorix kernel for a major version, say 3.9, might not correspond to the last actual kernel released because damentz doesn't always release them, and never, almost, for kernels more than 2 major versions back, so it's whatever it was at that point.

I do not track which liquorix kernels are compatible with which debian stable release, or ubuntu lts release, I leave that up to users to discover for themselves, which is an easy process, takes about 5 minutes per kernel, depending on your system/network download speed, if the install fails, it didn't work, if it worked, it worked.

I don't track dkms issues because I don't care about them, I prefer more reliable methods that have worked for many years, so I have nothing to say about how a non debian kernel will work with a debian dkms package, but I can tell you that each nvidia driver supports specific linux kernels, period, which is the problem with using non debian kernels with debian dkms nvidia, there's no guarantee they will work together unless the kernel major version is the same in both cases.
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Many thanks for so detailed answer :)

But still before I end up in trying with smxi, which I never used before, I must ask again. There is no place with old packages than those in here: ?

I really looked for some, but I have to resolve in writing this topic.

I understand that there can be failures with nvidia dkms, so I would be forced to trying a few version builds, but I just didn't find any.

And I guess that at least some close to my current distro-default 3.2.0-4-amd64 would satisfy dependencies and nvidia dkms.

P.S. I am not from english speaking country, so, pls, excuse me for bad grammer :)
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I, that is, smxi, is the place old liquorix kernels are offerered/archived. Obviously anyone is free to do the job and also create their own archives, but I'm the person who actually did it over years. the smxi archived kernel versions contain an installer etc to make the process failry smooth. The main issue is gcc version re older systems and liquorix kernels.

I do this because between 100 and 400 people a month seem to find this a valuable option, if nobody used it, I'd probably stop doing it, but actually more people have used this lately, so I take that as a vote for the feature in smxi.

Damentz is cool and maintains up to three branches, past, main, and future, but those only cover 2 kernels usually, future is not often used, but there's no reason to expect him to maintain endless old branches, I don't do that, I just take his last present/past kernel released for each major version and create the zip installer file.

As self defense, however, smxi does not support ubuntu, otherwise I'd lose all my time and just see my frustration level skyrocket, ie, no fun. smxi is for debian and true debian derived distro users, period. True debian means quite simply that you can run, always, apt-get dist-upgrade and have the upgrade more or less work, ie, not ubuntu.

sgfxi does support mint/ubuntu at this point.

your english is fine, no problems.

this is what smxi currently offers:
:: Code ::
Please enter in the correct number for the kernel or option you want.
1) 3.11-10.dmz.1-liquorix-686     10) 2.6.38-7.dmz.2-liquorix-686
2) 3.10-22.dmz.1-liquorix-686     11) 2.6.36-3.dmz.2-liquorix-686
3) 3.9-11.dmz.1-liquorix-686      12) 2.6.34-2.dmz.3-liquorix-686
4) 3.8-13.dmz.1-liquorix-686      13) 2.6.32-12.dmz.1-liquorix-686
5) 3.7.0-10.dmz.1-liquorix-686    14) install-debian-kernel
6) 3.6.0-11.dmz.1-liquorix-686    15) install-debian-486-kernel
7) 3.4.0-35.dmz.1-liquorix-686    16) install-siduction-kernel
8) 3.2.0-14.dmz.1-liquorix-686    17) install-liquorix-kernel
9) 3.0.0-9.dmz.1-liquorix-686     18) back-to-main-menu

on my system, though each user's system will show slightly different distro kernel options depending on what sources they have enabled. And my memory worked, 2.6.32 is actually the oldest, though I will probably remove most of the 2.6 ones soon, leaving just a few. As you can see, I switched to even numbered releases to keep the offerings fairly simple, except for the latest ones.

Keep in mind, it takes far less time to install smxi and the kernel than it took me to type this.
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Many thanks again :) and for effort and your time - I start to read smxi website to know something about it ;)
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that shows the basic structure, but: smxi -G
by passes the beginning sections, the first kernel install/upgrade sections, and takes you to the main options section.
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Hi, so I just installed and tried smxi and when I go through those menus and options I don't see anywhere similar to yours:
:: Code ::
Please enter in the correct number for the kernel or option you want.
1) 3.11-10.dmz.1-liquorix-686     10) 2.6.38-7.dmz.2-liquorix-686
2) 3.10-22.dmz.1-liquorix-686     11) 2.6.36-3.dmz.2-liquorix-686
3) 3.9-11.dmz.1-liquorix-686      12) 2.6.34-2.dmz.3-liquorix-686
4) 3.8-13.dmz.1-liquorix-686      13) 2.6.32-12.dmz.1-liquorix-686
5) 3.7.0-10.dmz.1-liquorix-686    14) install-debian-kernel
6) 3.6.0-11.dmz.1-liquorix-686    15) install-debian-486-kernel
7) 3.4.0-35.dmz.1-liquorix-686    16) install-siduction-kernel
8) 3.2.0-14.dmz.1-liquorix-686    17) install-liquorix-kernel
9) 3.0.0-9.dmz.1-liquorix-686     18) back-to-main-menu

This is where I allways end up:

:: Code ::
Advanced Kernel Options
Here are some advanced kernel options, that might be of use to some people.
You should generally not need to do these more than one or two times.
1 - kernel-metapackage-options Kernel metapackage options: remove, install
     apt kernel/module metapackages. Also, install current apt kernel + modules.
2 - add-liquorix-sources Add liquorix kernel sources (Debian Sid/Testing only, and if system supports)
3 - add-siduction-sources Add siduction/towo kernel sources (Debian Sid/Testing only)
4 - change-smxi-default-kernel Change the default kernel smxi uses to your preference.
5 - install-kernel-modules - Install kernel modules. Offers list of modules, install one by one
    (if the module is currently available in apt).
6 - remove-kernel-modules - Remove installed kernel modules. Offers list of modules
    which you can remove one by one.
7 - return-to-previous-menu - Ok, all done, back to kernel main menu.
Please type the appropriate number and hit enter
1) kernel-metapackage-options  5) install-kernel-modules
2) add-liquorix-sources          6) remove-kernel-modules
3) add-siduction-sources       7) return-to-previous-menu
4) change-smxi-default-kernel
#? 2
It is not safe to run these kernels on Debian Stable based distros.
If your system is running Sid or Testing base, please let me know.
Please hit enter to continue

Can You help me? I just want to get to the menu with liquorix kernels and test the most up-to-date which would be working.
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:: Quote ::
It's in alternate-kernel-install section of smxi kernel section.

You're in the wrong section, Advanced Kernel Options, that does other stuff.

All you have to do is go back one level then pick the right option. Or, rather, restart smxi, go to kernel options, then pick the right option.
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I am so sorry, I am ashamed....I just should go to sleep yesterday :)

Thank You very much ;)

So now when I pick any kernel I keep getting this errors (snippet from smxi.log):
:: Code ::
Function: launch_function_trigger - Primary: Start
Args: reconfigure-locales
  Function: sm_pref_tester: smPref: reconfigure-locales; $2: ; value: 0
  Function: run_script_import - Utility: Start
  Args: sm-lib-misc-tweaks
    Function: test_version_info - Utility: Start
    Args: sm-lib-misc-tweaks
      Function: compare_numbers - Utility: Start
      Args: 1.24.4 1.24.4
      returnValue: 1
      Function: compare_numbers - Utility: End
    Function: test_version_info - Utility: End
  The operation you requested requires the library file: sm-lib-misc-tweaks but it is missing.
Skipping the load attempt and continuing.

  smxi cannot continue. Exiting now.
  Error No: 100- Function: run_script_import

Is that some kind of bug, or I am doing something wrong again? Script sm-lib-misc-tweaks definitively exist and it is in same place as others (/usr/local/bin) - I have done first install option from website.

And from that log it seems, that installation finds one, but compares script's versions and fail.
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I've never seen this issue. Show the results of this:

echo $PATH
for both regular user and root.

that's the only thing I can think of, that your system doesn't have /usr/local/bin in PATH, though I don't see why that would matter.

it could be a wget failure, possibly, which means a networking failure usually, or an isp failure, it's hard to say, but since the compare numbers function shows the numbers equal, smxi would not have tried to download a new version of the lib file.

There's almost certainly something different in your system, something done that you have forgotten or didn't realize would cause issues, that's my first guess.

Also paste the entire smxi log file from this session to

I'm also assuming you are running smxi as root, not using sudo, which should exit with error. sudo is another area where writes can fail by the way, which is why smxi now doesn't allow it.
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