Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! 3.8.13
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Joined: 13 May 2013
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I must be completely stupid so please forgive me for that before we continue.

I downloaded the Liquorix kernel patch:
And then after extraction tried to apply it to the Linux kernel:
Using the following from within the extracted kernel source directory:
patch -p1 -i ../3.8.13-1.patch

But then I get a lot of these, "Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]" and no matter what I answer I get a lot of this, "Hunk # FAILED"

I have patched kernels before and this worked but this is my first time with Liquorix. I can't see anyone else having this problem so I must be doing something wrong, the question is what?
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You need to use the base kernel, 3.8.0, not the sub versions.
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Status: Curious
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Hahaha. Thank you.
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Could you give me 3.8.13-1.patch.gz file?
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Could you give me 3.8.13-1.patch.gz file?
The website had lost the file.
My email is
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Sorry, I don't have that patch available anymore. Liquorix only targets modern kernel revisions - everything else is erased as it's phased out.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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Just as a reminder, gpl requires either distribution of source with binaries, or, alternately, option to order source via cd/dvd etc if source itself is not distributed with binaries. The latter option requires a fairly long retention of source options, because you never know when binaries will appear somewhere out there, the former is the far preferred because it means you can always grab the source at the time of binary release.

Liquorix uses the more sensible former option, distributing source with binaries, since that means you never have to think about it in the future.

However, this poster is probably a spammer preparing an identity to he appears 'real', I've been seeing those here on these forums lately, and when you see his posting deleted, it means the spammer was deleted, along with his postings, though in this case I may leave his posting because the question of gpl source distribution is actually worth noting.
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