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Liquorix 3.8.13 GLIBC_2.14
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I'm debian testing user (amd64) , after the upgrade last week i tried the liquorix 3.8.10 with success.
I'm using nvidia propietary driver and i compile the module for the kernel without problem.

But now after the upgrade to 3.8.13 i'm not able to compile the module 'cause :
:: Code ::
scripts/basic/fixdep: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by scripts/basic/fixdep)

Upgrade libc6 iis not my preferred choice , so i ask if is possible to have liquorix 3.8.10.....amd64 , but I could not find an archive to download it.

may someone can help me, if you have any solution i'm ready to try it

i'm sorry so for my bad english

< Edited by spugna :: May 13, 13, 15:44 >

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why did you uninstall the kernel that was working? It's a bad idea to remove kernels before you know that your new kernel is working as expected.

I know I won't be putting up the 3.8.10 in the smxi kernel archive because I only put the latest of the previous series, and the past repo for liquorix has 3.4 still if I remember right.

So you're out of luck, consider it a learning experience, stop removing old kernels so quickly, wait a month or two, it costs you nothing to wait except about 130mB of disk space.

On a more general note, it's not realistic to expect a testing based kernel running on a testing based distribution to not keep up to date with the core libraries like libc6 or whatever. If you have such specific requirements, you should learn to alter your behavior to provide yourself backup options like keeping old kernels installed.
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Do you work for nvidia? I wasn't aware they were handing out proprietary source code.
Also I can't understand the dependency, can't you just use an older driver or is this part of your testing? Why did the kernel upgrade make the same driver need a new glibc?
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You're not giving any actual information, how did you install, are you using dkms for nvidia, etc?

Your response makes no sense that I can see, and doesn't seem to relate to what I said in any visible way.

What you are you talking about when you say? why can't YOU use an older driver? There's no dependency involved, unless you are using the debian packaged nvidia driver, that's unrelated, I don't use the debian packaged driver, since I like things to work reliably and consistently. Liquorix has no dependency on the driver, obviously, why would it? The fact you ask this question suggests strongly you have very little idea of what is going on, we don't package nvidia, so how on earth would we be able to use any driver, let alone an older one.

I think you are confused about something or other in terms of the process involved here.

If you use dkms debian nvidia package, then whatever debian wants is what debian wants. If you don't want to be tied to that, use the direct nvidia installer, or sgfxi, to install the driver.

Beyond that I can't really tell you anything, I'm not in the mood to pick out piece by piece what your actual question is, post inxi -bxx output for system data so we don't have to do more guessing.

Also note the actual information that matters in this case, how you installed the video driver, etc, then maybe someone can help you out, or not. The trick to posting an issue report is to post all the relevant information when you start, that way people have an idea what your issue actually is, not just some vague talk about libc6 not matching or whatever.

Once I see this, and inxi -bxx there might be something to talk about further, we'll see. Or not.
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Sorry, my post seems to have confused matters. By YOU I was referring to spugna, although I didn't state that. I realise now this was sloppy posting on my part and has confused matters greatly.
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Spugna, the last time I built new kernels, I updated my chroot's to their latest packages. It looks to have been in the middle of a glibc upgrade, so unless you're running Debian Unstable, you might get some oddities with package dependencies. If you wait a bit longer, testing may sync up, but that's probably 1-2 weeks away from when the first packages dropped.
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oh, so there is an actual liquorix dependency issue? I stand corrected, it appears the poster was right after all.
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jessie start a few weeks ago upgrade go slowly maybe upgraded libc6 is coming
i tried just at first time liquorix 3.8.10..64 for a few days and it works fine with nvidia kernel.
Last check liquorix was upgraded by aptitude, maybe i have to adjust something .
:: Quote ::
stop removing old kernels so quickly

this is a good lessons for the future i'm not experienced i work only with regular debian kernel from debian repo and i can safe use the machine.

about smxi i tested it but i can find 3.8.10 the last upgraded is 3.7.10.

About nvidia i use the run for my use it's the best (maybe i'm wrong)

if there is a possibility to obtain a copy of linux-image and headers for 3.8.10 amd64 i will appreciate it
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it's only by chance i have that kernel zip available, and don't expect this type of thing in the future.
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many thanks , file downloaded ;-)

about some test i have 4 install very similar , same sources.list same pinning (unstable experiemntal for some dependency) all testing.
In a guest vbox -liquorix 3.8.13 testing 32 OK
In a notebook (centrinoDUO) -liquorix 3.8.13 testing 32 - radeon open OK
in a oldPC (athlonXP)- liquorix 3.8.13 testing 32 - nvidia OK
In newPC (i5K2500) - liquorix 3.8.10 testing amd64 -nvidia OK but if i try to compile module for liquorix 3.8.13 i obtain the same error about GLIBC.

all debian are upgraded a today so new xorg.
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