undervolting cpu
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I'm new to kernel related staff. I instaled latest (3.8) liquorix allured by o0arthur0o.wordpress.com/2010/06/17/undervolting-your-cpu-on-debian-squeeze/.
My problem is that instructions found at aforementioned site doesn't work.
Moreover I couldn find module acpi-cpufreq.
Is someone knows solution how to undervolt cpu using this kernel?
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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that article is over 2 years old, the liquorix kernel there has nothing to do with the current liquorix kernel, which isn't installable on squeeze anyway unless you get backports gcc 4.7. Liquorix is not a kernel for debian stable or ubuntu lts, it's for current debian testing/sid, and current short term release ubuntus.

You need to use googlefoo and find out if this module even is used on the 3.7/3.8/3.9 kernels, it's not present on my liquorix kernel, 3.7.

I don't follow the specifics of kernels and modules, but you can safely toss any 2 year old discussions of custom kernel options and tweaks, it could be by chance that they still work, but you should proceed on the assumption that they do not work, and just be pleasantly surprised if they happen to still work.

I guess if you got a two year old liquorix kernel maybe it would still be valid, that would be, let me think, maybe 3.0 or 2.6.39, I don't remember the exact version. Also keep in mind, 2 years ago, squeeze was still relatively fresh, now it is completely out of date from debian testing/sid.
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