Heavy computer use dramatically increases odds of glaucoma
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Joined: 04 Oct 2003
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A recently released study reveals possible association between heavy computer users and
glaucomatous visual field abnormalities:

The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health reports that heavy computer use can dramatically increase your chances of getting glaucoma [pdf report]

No real surprise there to be honest. Unfortunately this particular study did not differentiate between CRT and LCD monitors.

However, the main point is clear: if you are staring at a field of light at a fixed distance for many hours a day you are engaging in extremely unnatural and unhealthy behavior. You can try to pretend this isn't the case all you want, denial is fun after all, but the sad fact is that what you do does in fact directly affect your health and well being.

It's my feeling that using a good quality LCD monitor may possibly aleviate some of these problems, but again, that's really only conjecture, based on how my eyes feel using a CRT versus an LCD.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2004
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I'm also trying out 'dark background - light text' options on my editor - I have heard that this is a lot better for your eyes than the light background / dark text combo. Got a schema on Kate / Quanta plus that has a very dark bluish/purplish background (about #332d36) with light letters, difficult indeed to get used to, but I guess that if I get used to it things will be better for my eyes in the long run. My desktop is a very dark grey, about #333, no icons.
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