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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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Mofforg, you seem confused about something, what damentz said about the kernel and openvz support is the final word, his explanation was completely clear, and requires no further modification.

If you want this feature, then do it, or try rather, if I understand damentz correctly, it's not technically possible since they, the company that makes openvz, only have released support for the kernel version noted above.

I realize English is not your first language, so I understand that sometimes things that might seem clear to me might not be clear to a non native english speaker, but this issue is explained, the problem appears to be that you don't like the answer you got.

In the world of free software, when one doesn't like an answer, or wants to try something themselves, this is a great thing, and is what makes free software a great tool, so feel free to experiment and learn, you might be surprised at the results, either way.

Since the set, or number, of people who want this feature appears to be restricted to you alone, that's a clear case where the right solution is to solve the problem. That's for example why I forked inxi from infobash, I didn't like the answer I got from the old maintainers, who weren't doing anything with infobash, so I forked it. Hard work too.

You seem to not understand what is meant by the term 'old' in relation to debian, since I have already clearly explained it above, I'm not going to explain it again, but I will remind you, the word 'old' relates to the current release versions of the products involved, particularly the kernel.

I suggest you take a slightly less demanding tone when trying to resolve issues, and listen to the answers you get a bit more carefully, and try to distinguish between what you would like and what is possible or desirable.

Good luck.
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English is not my native lanquage, but i understand what you say..

Well...then, how about this way:

Now Liquorix kernel have only sid repo. It's OK, but maybe just for people, maybe to create stable also?

So it will be 2.6.32 with BFS sheduler, OpenVZ support and any other upgrades which is possible to make for this stable (old) kernel.

Can it be? I think, it should not harm you much. And i think all repos should have 'stable' part =)

I understand, that OpenVZ can have problems with BFS - but yet it's not tested, so we could not be sure on it. Why not to try?
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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You'd have to talk to damentz about creating a stable repo, he doesn't use stable and won't do that himself, I can tell you that, he does maintain the past branch, but that's just the last major kernel version, for example, now stable current is 3.5, and his past branch is 3.4.

My guess, and it is just my guess, is that if someone did all the work, packaging, testing, and so on, and then gave him the debs, completely built and debugged for debian stable, he might consider adding a stable, but unfortunately when you add a repo, people begin to rely on it, then the person who was doing the work gets bored and leaves, that's sadly the norm in software.

But I doubt he would do that himself, his interest, what motivates him, is rolling release debian using the latest kernels and gcc and other tools to get the best desktop performance.

But who knows, sometimes someone out there actually wants something badly enough to do the work, you just never can say for certain.

By the way, you may be unaware of this, but in Debian, there's quite a few packages that are only in Sid, not in stable. That's one reason people use Testing/Sid instead of stable.
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Liquorix is not here to solve your server problems. That's precisely the exact opposite thing it's created for. I suggest you find a distribution with a kernel specialized and tested for the configuration you're looking for.
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I understand -) Just want to suggest a good idea, but you declain all.

I only need BFS Sheduler + OpenVZ support. That's all.
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:: Mofforg wrote ::
techAdmin, OpenVZ is great technology. It's not old. There are new version, which are really good and for by my opinion is much better than xen or kvm.

Can you at least make one kernel with openvz support or how can i make it myself (how to add openvz support to Liquorix kernel)?
Last update - september 2012.

Here you can see that this project is alive.

Why not to include OpenVZ into Liquorix?

Damentz has limited time to do this kind of porting work so he may or may not do this and if he does it will be quite a while before he pushes a kernel with even preliminary OpenVZ support
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