Cgroup for lxc support?
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Sometimes I have to use some advanced container stuff like lxc or openvz at work.

Recently i bought asus k55a, it's too new for using debian testing kernel on it (several grave bugs) so i had to use liquorix kenel, and it works much better, but i was dissapointed by lack of lxc support in it.

I tried to recompile the kernel with cgroup fully enabled and multiple /dev/pts instances, but, shockingly, i had the same kernel as packaged. Dunno why i did it wrong.

Is it possbile that lxc support would be enabled in liquorix?

I am using Debian Wheezy amd64
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I'll leave cgroups disabled, they don't belong on a kernel running BFS. Below is straight from Con's BFS faq:

:: Code ::

What features does BFS have and not have?

On top of the current scheduler design, it has a SCHED_IDLEPRIO which actually
does only schedule tasks when idle, and SCHED_ISO for unprivileged realtime
performance. BFS does NOT implement CGROUPS. A desktop user should not need
know about CGROUPS, nor should they need to use them. BFS also does not have
the feature of "lots of tunables I don't understand".

I would suggest that you stick with CFS if you need to use openvz with lxc, a lot of enterprise grade patches that affect or require specific processing behavior for Linux were not designed with BFS in mind.

To change the configuration in Liquorix, drop the configuration for your architecture into debian/config/kernelarch-x86/. Update the version you're running by updating the abi in debian/config/defines. That's it, run fakeroot debian/rules clean and debuild -jN (where N is the number of cores you have), then install the packages.
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thanks a lot
epic zoomjap
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I'll post here, looks like 3.4.0-9.2 breaks systemd at least on my system:
1. systemctl returns: "Failed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager." if I try to status/start/stop a service BUT not on disable/enable <service> and not on list-unit-types
2. systemadm works ok, shows services running and such BUT crashes when trying to stop/start/whatever a service: "*** glibc detected *** systemadm: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000626658 ***" (
3. I can't reboot/halt/poweroff since I get the error shown at point 1., I need to MagicSysRq my way to a reboot then a hard shutdown
4. The wireless USB connection is not brought up on start so I need to ip link up, ifconfig, iwconfig, iptables manually once the system is up.
5. Also it seems that X+nvidia don't get up 50% of the time too since I might get a tty1 instead, but I did not try to follow this further, the X log shows no error whatsover.

This running with either init=/bin/systemd or with the systemd-sysv package

Anyway, going back to 3.4.0-9.1 gets everything magically right again

Debian Sid, 64bit, up to date, systemd 44 (July 22)

Thoughts? Tests that I do? logs tha I should post?

I blame this on the cgroups removal too, but I don't know that for sure.
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That's interesting, I think all this odd behavior is caused by a different patch that I'll be removing in 9.dmz.3. Can both of you try booting the kernel with the elevator=cfq kernel parameter? Bfq might be the problem here.
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nope, elevator=cfq does not help :(
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Ok, I looked online and cgroups are required for systemd's operation. I'll re-enable it in the meantime so you get your operation back. Look forward to 9.dmz.4 or the 3.5 series (not ready yet / not enough time).
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