Are there chances for support ENE Technology SD card reader (UB6250)?
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Hello. I downloaded Liquorix when I read, it solves a problem with some software (cameras etc.). I got in my laptop built-in SD card reader, listed by lsusb:
:: Code ::
ID 0cf2:6250 ENE Technology, Inc. SD card reader (UB6250)
Is there any chance to compile its driver into Liquorix kernel? There are some solutions on the internet, but I'm not very advanced user, neither programmer, and all my efforts to run this device failed. I suppose it's because I use 64-bit architecture (and kernels), and the solution was for 32-bit. I tried the device on Windows 7 to check if it's broken or so, but it works fine. On my Linux (Linux Mint Debian Edition 64 bit) all I can see in disk manager is unformatted 512 bytes long space for any SD card, and sometimes 388 GB (!) long for my old 32 MB MMC card. And the device can be seen (e.g. in disk manager or via lsusb) only when the card is inserted, opposing to any other USB reader I use.
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This module is already part of the Linux kernel, in the staging tree. What happens if you type, modprobe keucr?

:: Code ::
$ sudo modinfo keucr
filename:       /lib/modules/3.3.0-7.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64/kernel/drivers/staging/keucr/keucr.ko
license:        GPL
description:    ENE USB Mass Storage driver for Linux
author:         Domao
alias:          usb:v0CF2p6250d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*
alias:          usb:v0CF2p6230d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*
alias:          usb:v058Fp6366d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*
depends:        scsi_mod
staging:        Y
intree:         Y
vermagic:       3.3.0-7.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64 SMP preempt mod_unload modversions

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:: damentz wrote ::
What happens if you type, modprobe keucr?

[new user link]

Of course I remembered to use sudo, and result of modinfo keucr is the same as yours, before and after modprobe. :(

Now I see it's not a Liquorix or not Liquorix issue… I should look for help maybe on other places, but if You can and want to help me, I'll be glad.
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Your picture indicates to me that it's being detected, but that's all.

What happens if you look for the drive or SD card using gparted? It could just be that it's not exposing itself to udev properly and you'll have to mount any card inserted manually. If that's the case, you should try listing the contents of /dev to see if you see anything new after plugging in your SD card.
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a google came up with the link below but a short summary without quote boxes with some culling

The drive is identified as 0cf2 ENE UB6250 id: 6250

the module is present in eneub6250.ko-ums
(this was kernel quoted above....yours will differ)

But missing the firmware, as reported by udev in / dev / .udev / firmware-missing
:: Code ::

$ ls /dev/.udev/firmware-missing
ene-ub6250\x2fsd_init1.bin iwlwifi-1000-6.ucode

that expects a file named x2fsd_init1.bin
this leads to an error of I / O and the creation of the only device sdb, however unreadable.

so try downloading the firmware

then unpack the rpm and extract the firmware to the target folder for firmware

:: Code ::

sudo rpm2cpio kernel-firmware-20111025git-1.7.1.noarch.rpm | cpio -idmv
sudo cp -r lib/firmware/ene-ub6250/ /lib/firmware/

and the translated page is
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Nice find aus9, that's that last piece to the puzzle. He has the module but is missing the firmware to utilize the hardware.
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Great job, Guys. That was it! Now it works, thanks a lot! :)
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