Liquorix Kernel 3.3.0-7 fails after a while
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After I upgraded to Liquorix Kernel 3.3.0-7 my system hangs/freezes after a while (5 minutes (?)).

The Monitors go dark, no more display-signal obviously and the system seems not to be accessible over the net anymore. Switching to an console also not possible.

I suspected the nvidia-driver but then it happened also while being in text-mode (init 3).
Returning to Liquorix Kernel 3.3.0-6 or to an 3.4 Kernel fixed the problem lately. I use currently the nvidia 295.53 driver.

Haven't tested yet on my second, similar equipped, box yet.


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What system / distro are you running? Can you show us the output of inxi -b?

I switched to distcc, so it's not compiling the kernel correctly, then I'll need to rebuild without it.
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DKMS failed to build the nvidia (295.40) and virtualbox kernel modules for Liquorix 3.3.0-7 on my system because I did not have distcc installed (make failed with "distcc not found").
Everything works fine after installing distcc and reinstalling the kernel and kernel headers.
If you don't have distcc installed maybe 3.3.0-7 did not install correctly on your system?
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did you allow smxi to create an xorg file for you ?

if you think this could be an issue, can you post your xorg contents in a code box pls, maybe we can spot an issue?
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xorg should not be the issue if the same thing is happening in console mode. xorg means nvidia driver, that is.
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I have my second (nearly idenical machine now upgraded the same way. Lets see what comes out of that.

Also I will later today give it another try on the original machine with 3.3.0-7. It failed before 3-4 times when runimng X andleft alone and 1 time in console mode during working after 4-5minutes. Then I have up on it.
There is alsways an xorg.conf with those machines. as one is with two Monitors and virtual resolutionstoo. But I also donot suspect the nvidia-driver in this case.

Will report later the outcome.


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Here is what I found until now:

On my second (nearly identical) machine no issues like that at all.

On my main-box with an 3.4 Kernel I found it one time last night inaccessible after runing for more than 6 hours on its own. It was just running as an Server (apt-cacher) for other machines. X was started and one user was just logged in. Nothing really heavy running on it

This morning I started the box again with Liquorix 3.3.0-7 and when trying to log in via kdm the screen went black even there. This happened again shortly after logged in at next start with this kernel.

Now on 3rd try it seems to behave better.
So it could be I am chasing an strange intermiddent hardware-problem as the weather here in germany is currently very fine and we have much higer degrees as normally.
Also I had exchanged my graphics card ca. 3 weeks ago to an 8800GT (passive cooled) as my older 8600 GT had died.
I have to keep an eye/close look on that.

I haven't done testing without X yet again.

Anyway I attach below the output of inxi -b:
:: Code ::
System:    Host: TowerLX Kernel: 3.3.0-7.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit)
           Desktop: Xfce 4.10.0 Distro: siduction 11.1 One Step Beyond - xfce - (201112302135)
Machine:   Mobo: ASUSTeK model: M2N32-SLI DELUXE version: 1.XX serial: 123456789000
           Bios: Phoenix version: ASUS M2N32-SLI DELUXE 5002 date: 03/18/2010
CPU:       Dual core AMD Athlon II X2 250 (-MCP-) clocked at 800.00 MHz
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA G92 [GeForce 8800 GT] driver: nvidia tty size: 140x46 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Network:   Card-1: NVIDIA MCP55 Ethernet driver: forcedeth
           Card-2: NVIDIA MCP55 Ethernet driver: forcedeth
           Card-3: Realtek RTL8187 Wireless Adapter driver: rtl8187
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 660.1GB (49.3% used)
Info:      Processes: 224 Uptime: 21 min Memory: 857.4/3958.5MB Client: Shell inxi: 1.8.4

I will letyou know on the further findings.


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If it's an intermittent hardware issue, you might want to try running memtest86. Bad memory is hard to track when the bits are only accessed once your memory gets full. Running memtest86 will let you confirm if that's a problem or not.

Finally, then it's a toss up between your GPU and CPU. I would suspect your GPU too since you swapped it recently and started having problems. I think it's very weird that you can even purchase a passively cooled 8800GT card... isn't it a high powered gaming card? Check the nvidia control panel and make sure powermizer is underclocking it when appropriate and the temperature is not too high.
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Yess it looks more and more like a temoerature problem with the Graphis card. Today it took 4 boots to get it finally working and since the it runs perfectly well.

Too much Heat isnt't really the problem here, I guess that it causes problems when starting to heat up to "normal" working temperature. Is this achieved the card behves well since then.

I bought this card with an big accellero passive Heat-Sink. This cools it down very well. And because I cut vidoes donot play games the temperature of the GPU is around 53d egrees C.According to nvidia-settings this is well within the "green" Area of temperature.

But maybe I get my older GT8600 back again by "baking" it for a while. It helped once already for over a year.:)


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Well, it definitely was an hardware issue, I rechanged the graphics card with an 8600GT and the problems are completely gone now.

Sorry for causing exitement.


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