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Status: Curious
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I could send you all my sgfxi logs as a compressed archive if you wish, you might know what to search for...

My email would be stoertebaeker(at)gmx(dot)net...
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Can you verify that it is working or not working today?

I see from your logs that you had a successful install of 12-4 to xorg 1.11 yesterday.

I can find no changes in svn that would account for a failure in the detection of xorg version.

I ran some tests using the sgfxi test utility that allows me to duplicate any user type data like xorg version or kernel version and the detection was / is working as expected, when I set it xorg 1.12, sgfxi correctly complained and exited saying not supported, turned it back to kernel 3.3 and xorg 1.11, and it started downloading.

So you can verify again? Exit X, start sgfxi, with no arguments, and see if the driver installs or if sgfxi exits with the 226 / -! 6 error.

4.17.93 is the current sgfxi version.
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Status: Curious
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Hello !

Detection worked like expected - BUT.....

xorg 1.12 made it to sid repository, so while installing the driver the script updated to1.12 and fglrx did not work. I changed to testing repository to get xorg 111 back. Installed again - but , after a bit of research I had to figure the script had removed xorg entirely... I swiched back to sid now and run the radeon driver... Sad, because with fglrx glxgears showed around 2000 frames per second, with radeon only 60... And what was for me most important , flash runs very much better with the proprietary driver...But hey, I know I run sid and am on my own, will see what I decide to do. Interrested in the log files ?

Cheers, Roland
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sgfxi did NOT remove xorg, I promise you. It reinstalls one or two xorg libs because nvidia and maybe fglrx overwrites them, so they have to be reinstalled, but it does not remove it or any part of it.

You should be able to pin your system to testing, then reinstall all xorg components manually, then sgfxi should run fine. But confirm that the system is truly pinned to testing however, by running a test apt-get install <xorg> component and making sure the proper version is installed/reinstalled after an apt-get update.

I was going to warn you about the new xorg 1.12 in sid, just heard that had come in, but I forgot.

No fglrx support for that yet, maybe 12-5, or later, we'll see.

Good to hear that despite what the amd fanboys say, the radeon driver continues to be a vastly inferior video driver to the non free version in your confirmed experience. Nothing has changed with ati/amd for the 7 years I've been running linux almost full time, and I think there's a real reason for that.
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By the way, this discussion will become moot, fglrx support for the hd2000-4000 series is being dropped as of fglrx 12.-7, maybe 12-6.

Hint, don't use or buy amd products, they are routinely dropping support for both windows and linux in a fraction of the time that nvidia does. If you want non free drivers and you want to use your card you paid for to its full capacity, then you are always wasting your money buying any ati/amd product.
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