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3.3.0 panic on Lenovo T60
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Since 3.3.0-2.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64 i'm experiencing panics shortly after booting. It might be that the panic happens when wifi connects.

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, stock kernel works.

So far I was unable (no experience) to get a dump, just photographed the panic screen:


Let me know if you need anything else.


< Edited by enteon :: May 7, 12, 1:24 >

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Can you try 3.3.0-3.dmz.1?
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Thank you!

Seems to work for now, but I will have to "test" some more because the panic did not always happen, even with wifi.
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:: enteon wrote ::
Thank you!

Seems to work for now, but I will have to "test" some more because the panic did not always happen, even with wifi.

Do you have Bluetooth enabled? I have panics with 3.3 seemingly related to Bluetooth.
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No, no bluetooth in this notebook.

Crashed again last boot, a simple reboot has been stable thus far and based on experience will remain stable. So there is only a small window after KDE started for it to panic, weird.
Forgot to take a photo though...

Any suggestions? Try to get kdump to work?


btw: my boot options are: "quiet i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 i915.lvds_downclock=1"

sorry for the bad quality, I can't set display brightness after a panic :(
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This is probably a bug in the 3.3 kernel series. I'm merging the updates from the stable kernel tree as they come out, so I suppose all you can try doing is installing the newest and re-testing.

However, you can try running inxi per the topic here ->

note: I did some quick googling and it looks like it's caused by one module, ite-cir as a few reporters in Ubuntu's launchpad reported in
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Thank you.

I blacklisted the module and will give it a lot of tries over the next week. I just didn't have much time to google for the panic.
And I still don't know how to reliably reproduce the panic.

Someone from the Canonical Kernel Distro Team wrote: "We indeed plan to send this upstream. We just wanted to get a few additional test confirmations first."
So it might 'fix itself' soon.

btw: here's the inxi output:
:: Code ::
System:    Host: lappi Kernel: 3.3.0-4.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit, gcc: 4.6.3)
           Desktop: KDE 4.8.2 (Qt 4.8.1) Distro: Ubuntu 12.04 precise
Machine:   System: LENOVO (portable) product: 1951CA2 version: ThinkPad T60 Chassis: type: 10
           Mobo: LENOVO model: 1951CA2 Bios: LENOVO version: 79ETE7WW (2.27 ) date: 03/21/2011
CPU:       Dual core Intel Core2 CPU T7200 (-MCP-) clocked at 1000.00 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Intel Mobile 945GM/GMS 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller bus-ID: 00:02.0
           X.Org: 1.11.3 drivers: intel (unloaded: vesa,fbdev) Resolution: 1024x768@60.0hz
           GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel 945GM GLX Version: 1.4 Mesa 8.0.2 Direct Rendering: Yes
Network:   Card-1: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection driver: iwl3945 ver: in-tree:s bus-ID: 03:00.0
           Card-2: Intel 82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller driver: e1000e ver: 1.5.1-k port: 2000 bus-ID: 02:00.0
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 80.0GB (38.7% used)
Info:      Processes: 129 Uptime: 49 min Memory: 973.9/3006.7MB Runlevel: 2 Gcc sys: 4.6.3 alt: 4.5
           Client: Shell inxi: 1.7.36

PS: It might be a dumb question, but why is ite-cir loaded at all?
I disabled IR in BIOS setup.
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Interesting, then it could be that ite-cir is a red herring. The next time you get an oops, can you boot with 'elevator=cfq' in the kernel command line? If you can't do that, you can change the IO scheduler on the fly to CFQ in /sys/block/*.

I made a quick script to make this quick to test since this is honestly a pain in the butt to change frequently if you're used to sudo access:

:: Code ::
# [elevator]

function print_ioschedulers {
   for i in `find /sys/block/*/queue/scheduler`; do
      block_device="$(echo -n $i | sed -r 's|/sys/block/([a-z0-9]+)/queue/scheduler|\1|')"
      ioschedulers="$(cat $i)"
      echo "$block_device: $ioschedulers"

function change_current_ioscheduler {
   for i in `find /sys/block/*/queue/scheduler`; do
      echo $new_ioscheduler > $i

if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
   echo -e "current block devices and elevators\n"
   change_current_ioscheduler $1
   echo -e "new elevator configuration\n"

exit 0

Run this script with root privileges like: sudo ./ cfq
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D'oh! I didn't even check if ite-cir was loaded and actually it isn't. At least if lsmod doesn't lie to me. So I unblacklisted the module.

I've been using deadline since around 2.6.39 on this machine and SSD but I think TLP ( only overwrites the default after some time into the boot.
So I'll be using cfq from grub-time on for now.

PS: nice script, but I'm more of a su and ctrl+r guy ;)

Right now I have the seldom situation that the bug strickes every time. Therefore I have just discovered that no matter the I/O scheduler, my machine first becomes very sluggish (konsole) and then panics after about half a minute with the same stack trace.

Still crashed without Intel i915 power saving mechanism parameters.
Ubuntu kernel still doesn't panic, but is 3.2 anyway.

What now? Kdump->LKML?

Strangely, when I let it boot with a crash dump kernel (kexec) there is _no_ panic, not matter if I give the crash dump kernel RAM via "crashkernel" or not.

:: Quote ::
KVER="`uname -r`"
in kdump-init-script means crash dump kernel is liquorix?

Now I'm relieved, 3.3.0-5 crashes with crash dump kernel.
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To be honest, I wouldn't request help from the LKML until you can reproduce this bug on 3.3 vanilla. Unfortunately, there's not much I can help you with, since I didn't add any special patches to linux's VM, and the panic you're getting is in slab / slub.

Let me know if you get any test results on 3.3 without my patch set.
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