Easier way to install patched liquorix sources?
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Joined: 13 Nov 2011
Posts: 18
Location: Germany
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I downloaded linux-liquorix_3.2.0.orig.tar.bz2 and linux-liquorix_3.2.0-3.debian.tar.bz2, unpacked them and patched the sources according the /debian/patches/series file via
:: Code ::
patch -p 1 --input=debian/patches/zen/3.2.1-1.patch
(and following) from within the symlinked linux directory.

Compile went fine and I now enjoy my (way smaller) custom liquorix kernel.

Is there an easier way to patch the sources and to stay current like a script or something?
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Actually, I have no idea. The intention was you have one patch and a supplied configuration file to start hacking with. If you want more itemized approach to patching, I make all the changes in git.zen-kernel.org first so you can read the details and find things you want or don't.

As far as automagically staying current, I don't think it's too complicated. Here's a starting point if you're interested:

:: Code ::
$ wget -O - http://liquorix.net/sources/ | grep 'patch.gz' | sed -r 's|[^>]+>([^<]+)</a> +(.+) *|\1: \2|' > current-liquorix-patches.txt

$ cat current-liquorix-patches.txt
3.2.1-3.patch.gz: 20-Jan-2012 17:30  518K 
3.1.9-1.patch.gz: 20-Jan-2012 17:30  726K 

All it does is parse the file names and the rest of the information from the html. From here, you can create a script that saves this information to a file, compares it to an older one, and if the md5sums are different, send yourself an email. I'm sure h2 is laughing at my pathetic attempt at automating file lookups, but whatever is easier for you to maintain is the best solution.
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Status: Interested
Joined: 13 Nov 2011
Posts: 18
Location: Germany
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Thanks for your input. I will go into it. :)
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