DKMS errors when installing liquorix on Linux Mint Debian Edition
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When I install Liquorix on LMDE I get the following error(s):

Examining /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d.
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms 3.1.0-9.dmz.1-liquorix-amd64
dkms.conf: Error! No 'BUILT_MODULE_NAME' directive specified for record #0.
Error! Bad conf file.
does not represent a valid dkms.conf file.

It doesn't cause any problems since I do not run anything requiring DKMS, but I may be running VirtualBox at some point where this may become a problem.

What does the error(s) mean, and is there anything I can do to fix it? I do not get this error message when installing other kernels.
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Got the same problem for a while and solved it by reinstalling all dkms source packages after a kernel upgrade (for me: ndiswrapper-dkms, nvidia-kernel-dkms and virtualbox-dkms). dkms itself does not seem to be reinstalled.
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I also just got this error, installing liquorix on LMDE. I don't think I have anything using DKMS (how would I know?), nor do I have dkms installed. So why would I get this error?

Should I care? Is it going to cause problems in the future if I want to use virtualbox or something that requires dkms?
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In response to all of you, it's likely that there's a broken DKMS package installed on your systems.

Check with the script below and make sure each file's output includes a variable named BUILT_MODULE_NAME.

:: Code ::
for i in `locate dkms.conf | grep -E '^/usr/src'`; do
  echo -e "\n\n*** $i:"
  cat $i;

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