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liquorix kernel archive?
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Is there some URL where I can find older liquorix releases? I need the last gcc-4.5 one.

smxi, mentioned in another forum post, doesn't like my Ubuntu Lucid.

I don't understand why this information isn't posted prominently anywhere. I've wasted a bunch of time looking for it.

(honestly I don't care for stuff like smxi. E.g. the fact that it is not under package management, AND it moved itself to /usr/local/bin from /opt/smxi was pretty annoying. I don't really want to trust a script like that with root access. But this is an aside)
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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A few corrections: there's a good reason smxi has to know where it is, we did massive amounts of user tests etc, and that's why it's in /usr/local/bin. The fact you ignored all the installation directions isn't my problem, I wrote those so people could follow them, if you didn't follow them, that's not really a concern to me.

Now, you can change the default location by creating a config file if you insist, that's fine, there's a manual for all that, user set config file loads and overwrites the defaults for those few users who find the defaults need modification, not many do, if any.

However, it doesn't matter in your case, smxi doesn't and never will support Ubuntu, unless I get paid to do that, standard professional programmer rates.

So the archive exists, is easily accessible, for all smxi users, that's by design, ie, that is a service I provide to all smxi users, as a service, as part of my free, volunteer, unpaid, work on the smxi project. I also host those kernel debs, as another free, unpaid service I provide. But I only want that as a service for smxi users, to keep any support and other matters at a very very basic minimum. That works fine too, it helps me avoid demanding users who provide no benefit to me or the projects I'm involved in. Damentz has been nice enough to sort of watch ubuntu and give it some support, but the liiquorix kernel is and always has been primarily a debian kernel. With ubuntu support. That's how sgfxi is too, it's primarily a debian script, but it will sort of support ubuntu.

The information isn't posted prominently because I don't want to support users outside a very narrow sphere, and damentz only keeps the last major version in his 'past' repos, ie, if current is 3.1, then the last repo will have 3.0. It's unclear to me what the basis for your sense of entitlement and outrage here is, maybe if you show a list of your recent active financial or time or energy contributions to some foss project or other we can get a better sense of you as a person? Or any other volunteer work, like being a scout master, or whatever, or other donations of time or money to charities etc, doesn't have to be just foss. I find the people who give the least tend to expect and demand the most, especially americans.
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I can see the support problem.

However I wonder how offlining old kernel releases helps that: I *already have* an obsolete release, and I want to replace it with a *newer* obsolete release. If I decided to bother someone with support requests, I could do so regardless of my installed release.

Anyway, I guess I'll go figure out (or hack) the smxi script and waste some more time (and utter some more choice words).
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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You can do whatever you want with free software, that's why it's free. I have found consistently that the users that are by far and away most annoying and most time consuming and least rewarding for me are ubuntu users, that's why I don't support them in any active way. Very very bad way to spend finite life energy and time. Not sure why that is, nothing wrong with ubuntu per se, just something in the mindset of the community it seems like. Your posting was a fine example of that by the way.

Again, I offer old archived kernels on the off chance they might help an smxi user resolve some issue they h ave, maybe hardware support, maybe something else. I don't care what that issue is, or if it helps or not, and maybe 25 people a week take me up on that offer. Nobody before you however has complained about the fact I offer this service to smxi users only, ie, debian users.

Clearly if damentz wanted to offer that type of service he would, but he doesn't, so I do it for him, and smxi users. Normally I spend about 4 minutes every 3 months on that service by the way, and that's about as long as I want to spend on it. Today is an exception, so I'll leave it at that.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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by the way, just as a hint/clue on how to post for support: don't start out b##ch and whining about x or y, or sounding like a spoiled brat. That reduces your odds of getting your issue resolved to almost null.

Here's how a good support question would have gone:

Hi, I run Ubuntu, and I realize that smxi doesn't support ubuntu, but I'd like to download and test kernel version x. Can I get the download url for that because I need a dmz kernel that uses gcc version y?

Since that would have been a fine question, I would have posted a link to that precise kernel url.

So next time try to think a little before whining and complaining, especially as a new, first time, poster. Really creates a bad impression, you know?
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No way. I've a) written enough free software, b) filed and fixed enough open source software-related bugs, and c) seen enough idiocy that I will not mince my words or have any patience for yet more idiocy.

You need to understand that you can't pooh-pooh all users, because 1% of them might be as savvy geeks / "hackers" as you claim to be. I am one of those.

All I wanted was an URL to download some deb's *which should have been public in the first place*, and I get

1) an attitude that it's acceptable to hide old OSS versions in order to cut down on annoying support requests.

2) a lesson in hacker attitude that I've first read 10 years ago from the brilliant programmer of fetchmail or some other luminary. Thanks, but no thanks.
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I see... So the kernels are in, which however displays an empty directory index if queried directly. The actual kernel versions are hard-coded in For example:

wget 'http''://'''

The smxi script itself pollutes /usr/local/bin with even more evil sm-* offspring. Outside of package management, of course. On a Debian system. And there's no uninstall script as far as I can tell.

I won't talk about the quality of this 4000-line long bash script. All I will say is that I've been sucked myself into writing a quick bash script, which then turns into a 500-line script -- but you have to draw the line somewhere and perhaps rewrite.

All this lame obscuring work just to cut down on support requests... I will have to blog about it sometime.
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danutz, I'm not sure why you're trying to allude that we're a bunch of assholes hiding things from you with a suspicious script that cannot be trusted to run as root, and then demand that we help you find an archive of an older kernel.

Clearly, since we're all dumbasses and we're doing this all wrong, there's no point in helping since you will find the answer first with your superior intellect and FOSS experience.

Happy new year!
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Well, thanks for the compliments. I did find the answer, but it took more time than if you *posted the URL*.

I do trust the sxmi scripts (as well as liquorix) as far as security; I complained about the scripts as far as polluting the filesystem, not as far as security.

Happy new year to you too!
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Never used smxi nor do I intend to (personally I have no need for such a tool) so I'm not sure how it works internally, but if you prefer the "old" behavior, maybe you could try keeping it in /opt/smxi and just making a symlink from /usr/local/bin?
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