draft man page svmi - subject CHANGED
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I intend to write a man page for svmi....if my attitude and experience etc is sufficient

svmi -h shows

smvi -A
-A Run the any any install non-interactively.

err I have no idea what this means.

ok so test 1...no virtual machine installed then
test 2 install vbox non-ose

both produce similar results ....they appear to be looking for vmware

:: Code ::
svmi -A
Updating svmi now using the default server
ERROR: (192) No vmware installation was detected for any-any install.


building the non-ose vbox driver was looking for dkms but I had removed it.


I am aware that techadmin does not want to spend any time on this script


:: Quote ::
I do not have any plans of expanding this functionality due to the difficulty of tracking over years the various specific packages and methods.

therefore, rather than pm techadmin.....what do people think about NOT having a man page.

If there is to a man page....I am probably not the best person to write it and I already know techadmin has some time issues as well.

comments etc

PS I am not trying to be rude....I am trying to be transparent.
I have already posted draft man pages to some scripts.

But I wear the consequences heh heh

< Edited by aus9 :: Sep 24, 11, 15:12 >

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I can tell you that the -A option, which was originally added to sgfxi at kelmo's, from sidux, request.

that option is always very crusty, I doubt it works anymore in some settings now with sgfxi either, because of that requirement to blacklist nouveau/radeon.

The original idea was actually to have full live cd functionality, ie, have automatically the livecd install the stuff as it boots up.

nouveau/radeon kms changed that and added the windows type: reboot to make usable 'feature', so there's nothing to do with that.

In svmi, I haven't even looked at it, at version 3.0, vmware stopped being downloadable via auto wget, you have to grab it manually after completing a form or logging in, so that entire feature set is gone now. any any hasn't been required for a years now I believe.

So rather than not documenting or man paging it, I'd simply note that the above make things like -A legacy options that have no real purpose or script support.

The ose/non ose options of vbox all work fine, and I think the module rebuild works for vmware too.

ose/non ose, while not the technically correct names now, since there is now only one package downloaded, and for non free, an extra package is downloaded, that's a bit of logic and certainly is a very useful feature, since it maintains the one click install upgrade for vbox.

But the user base is very small for smvi, and I can't justify spending real time on that, I just do what I need to make my own stuff run, that's about it.
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ok on that basis....small users running it alone....I shall move off to look at rbxi and other stuff.
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I'd whip up a small man file on it if I were you, and just note that things like -A are no longer active or reliable, just use the help.
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whip up to low level draft complete-ish

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project is dead

link was lost and no interest from anyone so will concentrate on sgfxi and inxi only
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