Request: aufs in liquorix 3.0?
Status: Interested
Joined: 20 Aug 2011
Posts: 21
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Union-type FSs are apparently dropped from kernels >=3.0, but some can still be downloaded separately and compiled in. The one I'm interested in is aufs ( I downloaded it and tried compiling it myself, however the module depends on a kernel patch, and while liquorix sources are freely available, I don't really want to be compiling my own kernel. So would it be possible to include aufs in liquorix packages? Pretty please? :) It would make liquorix be usable in a LiveCD/USB boot scenario.

If you feel really generous and in a good mood, compiling and packaging aufs-utils would also be appreciated. :whistle:
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Status: Assistant
Joined: 09 Sep 2008
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I'll see if I can get it in soon. It looks like we already pushed the 3.0 aufs patches, but the branch says 'do not use' on it. Maybe it doesn't work and we should wait until it's complete.

If you really depend on aufs for your live cds, I would strongly recommend sticking with the last stable kernel. It takes the developer a while to really make sure that his code ports and is what he meant. By the time he finishes, the next stable kernel is already rolling through the last RC.
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