Liquorix kernels can't find root partition in my system.
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inxi -F
:: Code ::
System:    Host: debiankde Kernel: 3.0.0-1-486 i686 (32 bit) Desktop KDE 4.6.5 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid
Machine:   System: VIA product: VT8367-8233
           Mobo: N/A model: VT8367-8233 Bios: Phoenix version: 6.00 PG date: 09/02/2002
CPU:       Single core AMD Athlon XP 1700+ (-UP-) cache: 256 KB flags: (sse) clocked at 1466.672 MHz
Graphics:  Card: nVidia NV44A [GeForce 6200] X.Org: 1.10.4 driver: nvidia Resolution: 1024x768@50.0hz
           GLX Renderer: GeForce 6200/AGP/SSE/3DNOW! GLX Version: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 280.13
Audio:     Card: VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller driver: VIA 82xx Audio Sound: ALSA ver: 1.0.24
Network:   Card-1: Tiger Jet Network Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
           IF: N/A state: N/A speed: N/A duplex: N/A mac: N/A
           Card-2: Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ driver: 8139too
           IF: eth0 state: unknown speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: 00:07:95:e7:04:ce
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 30.8GB (19.2% used) 1: /dev/sda Maxtor_6E030L0 30.8GB
Partition: ID: / size: 9.8G used: 4.3G (47%) fs: ext4 ID: /home size: 11G used: 1.3G (13%) fs: ext4
           ID: swap-1 size: 0.99GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 44.0C mobo: 32.0C gpu: 44C
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: 2481 mobo: 5443
Info:      Processes: 119 Uptime: 3 min Memory: 471.5/1010.4MB Client: Shell inxi: 1.7.23

I've installed the latest liquorix kernel but it stops at 'Loading, please wait..' and then after some while it outputs
:: Code ::
Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems:
- Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
  - Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)
  - Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)
- Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)
ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<root partition uuid> does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

The root partition uuid is right as the Debian kernel boots ok.
I have two sid systems on the same machine. The other one has the Debian 3.0 686 pae kernel, that I use all the time and the liquorix 2.6.39-4 for backup.
Just to check I tried booting it (the 2.6.39) and it gave the same error about not finding the root device.
After reading the other thread about kernel panic (not the same problem as this one), I ran 'update-initramfs -uk <liquorix kernel>' but it didn't work for this.
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Check both /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/grub.conf for the correct UUIID

inxi will report the true uuid of the partition.

Make sure that /etc/fstab doesn't have dual / lines, for example. Don't assume this, check. Not finding root almost always means bad uuid, or using the old form, /dev/sdxy, in fstab/grub.

I'd suggest booting into a live cd, then checking: /dev/disk/by-uuid as well to confirm that what you believe is the case is truly the case.

ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
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The UUIDs are fine as the Debian kernels use the same ones.
I was posting more to give a feedback.
I figured there's not really need to have an extra kernel, specially now that I have two sid installations so I removed the liquorix kernel on both systems.
The latest liquorix I had installed just to check if it would make any difference to Debian's 486 one.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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Did you or did you not check this to make sure there are no errors in /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/grub.cfg?

That means opening up the files, reading them, and confirming that your assumption is correct.

You'd be amazed by how many assumptions prove to be wrong when exposed to empirical evidence, so one thing I've learned is to not assume, ever, when it comes to computer stuff.
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fstab is fine and I had checked grub.cfg even before I posted. The liquorix entry was exactly like the Debian kernel's one, except of course for the vmlinux and initrd files.
And maybe you didn't understand, but in two different systems (in the same machine), the Debian kernel boots and the liquorix kernels didn't boot.
But never mind now, as I've uninstalled them I won't be able to debug this.
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I think this might be your problem:
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mmm, maybe. I saw that thread and ran update-initramfs but I didn't see that I needed to reconfigure the kernel package afterwards.
If this happens again I'll try that.
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