Trackpoint settings reset after standby since 3.0
I'm pretty lost right now. I used to set :: Quote :: echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/sensitivity
echo 150 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/speed echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/inertia Setting a udev rule /etc/udev/rules.d/10-trackpoint.rules with :: Quote :: SUBSYSTEM=="serio", DRIVERS=="psmouse"[, WAIT_FOR="/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/sensitivity"], ATTR{sensitivity}="255", ATTR{speed}="150", ATTR{inertia}="0"I now have the wheel emulation set up in xorg.conf which works just fine throughout standbys, but the lost sensitivity is very very annoying. Just updated Debian Testing and liquorix 3.0-6 Thank you for any heads up. PS: I realize that I could hack it up until it works but those would all be what I consider dirty hacks. I want to know what causes this behavior and if it can be easily reverted, e.g. I want to delete xorg.conf and udev rules and pm rules and just have a nice and clean system :-) Back to top |
This sounds like something you'll want to take up on the LKML. There's a few changes here and there in the git commit log for i8042, but none of them look directly responsible for your configuration loss on resume.
On the other hand, I didn't know anyone set the sensitivity and speed of their mouse through kernel modules. That sounds pretty dangerous. You may want to just settle with the default mouse settings and configure everything through the multitude of UIs for Xorg (KDE, Gnome, XFCE, etc). Back to top |
Thank you for your answer.
You're right, things like that should be done in the desktop environment, but the gnome sensitivity settings have no effect, or at least not enough, and inertia can't be set there. I'm now installing KDE (wanted to anyway) and will see if that changes anything (mainly sensitivity) because I've already seen the forgetting NOT happen several times in a row with liquorix while on other occasions it happened several times in a row. So I'm just not shure any more that this is really a pure kernel issue. Finding this very strange... Back to top |
Have not seen the issue again just before and after KDE install. Rc.local works as ever and wheel emulation is set in xorg.conf.d since gpointing-bla is gnome-ish.
Setting sensitivity through gnome/kde doesn't work or is not present, kde only does acceleration which is pretty useless. Anyway it works again with just a bit more dirt. Although I still have no clue what caused the amnesia, maybe the warm weather :-) Thanks Back to top |
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