Beginners question to "Your Computer Box"
Status: New User - Welcome
Joined: 08 Aug 2011
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I´m interested in the "Your Computer Box". I downloaded the three files
and put them into one .php document. But this doesn´t work. Can anyone help me?
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Joined: 26 Sep 2003
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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We don't do people's work for them, sorry. Best to learn the basics of programming, there are many good resources on the internet for that, but here we only answer questions about actual technical issues involving existing code and methods.

I wish I could recommend a forum, but I honestly don't track new user stuff anymore, most people won't be very interested in doing your learning and coding for you, but there are some sites that do cater to extreme newbies, happily. I just don't know them.

Good luck.
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