Installed LibreOffice but got OpenOffice 3.2.1
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Maybe it's because that is the only version available in the squeeze repos; and, it's broken anyway.

I usually just install the version from TheDocumentFoundation but thought to give smxi a try and see if it was working for LibO. Sounds like a Debian repo problem.

Running #! with Xfce4.

Best regards,
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What's supposed to happen in smxi is that it detects what version is available and then offers you that. Dynamically, that is.

So if Squeeze has OOo and smxi offered you OOo instead of LibreOffice, it's all good and working as it should be.

If something else happened, that's a bug, and should be fixed.
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:: techAdmin wrote ::
What's supposed to happen in smxi is that it detects what version is available and then offers you that. Dynamically, that is.

It's possible that I took it too literally when it offered to install LibreOffice, instead of :) It didn't offer, just installed what it found.

I suppose I expected behavior similar to installing a Liquorix kernel, or that it would find a LibO repo somewhere. Laziness knows no limits.

Anyway, I usually just download the Debian version from the DocumentFoundation and install with dpkg -i *.deb. I copy the debs to dirs as follows:
1-Install 2-Menu 3-Lang 4-Help install
install is a simple script (I'm a real duffer at scripting):
:: Code ::
cd ./1*
echo 1
"dpkg -i *.deb"
cd ..
cd ./2*
echo 2
"dpkg -i *.deb"
cd ..
and so on.

The 3.4.1 version is much improved, and getting better.

I have used smxi since you began offering it.
Currently using SalineOS as a place to start and then install whatever I wish. So far it's working OK for me. Reasonably up to date and stable. Much more stable than before. Boringly so. :}

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Hmmm, if smxi offered at any point to install libreoffice, and there is no libre in the pool, that is a bug, it's supposed to only offer text that corresponds to the correct office, OOo or libre.

I thought I'd gotten that all right but maybe I missed a point, do you by any chance remember where smxi showed you that text?
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in smxi, Post Full-Upgrade Fixes
1. Package-install
1.1. Office
1.1.1. LibreOffice LibreOffice Installer
. . . . . . . 17 Spanish
Couldn't find calc, draw, impress, java- etcetera.
The following new packages will be installed:
lib...,, lsjkll.,,, etc.

So I just bailed and went on with other things.
This time with CrunchBang w/Openbox and similar
stock squeeze repos.

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yeah, that's a bug, I'll check it, is that in stable base? ie, debian squeeze base?
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Yes. Squeeze.
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Ok, I'll try to trace that bug, I have two squeeze installs I can test on, thanks.

What was supposed to happen was that smxi was supposed to search apt, then if no libre but not ooo, offer libre, and if ooo and not libre, show ooo, so that doesn't seem to have worked as expected, probably a glitch or logic error. Or maybe some packaging differences, but I'll check it.

The idea was that smxi would just know, and offer the right one no matter what system it was.
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Let me know when you want to try it again.

The updated LibO-3.4.2 is expected in August,
and is said-to-be or planned-to-be stable for production.
But it's not in squeeze nor backports.
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There was a bug, an oversight, one section failed to correctly set the ooo/libre string in the case of no office installed on system. Note, however, that should you have llibre installed with debs, then it will offer libre hold install.

However, that doesn't quite fit with what you said, but it's close, on a squeeze, standard, with no office, the wrong text appeared here:

post upgrade options:
1 - package install (shows right)
package install: 1 - office (showed right)

package install - office - 1 - install, showed right; 2 - libre/ooo hold install, showed wrong.

In libre/ooo hold install itself it showed right, so it was only in that one spot, and I checked the code there and the error was present.

So if you are now seeing libre offered in the current smxi and if you do: apt-cache search libreoffice and it's null, then there's still a bug somewhere. If it's not null, then smxi should be showing that option.

However, if I remember right, smxi looks to see two things, first, is there an installation candidate, that means it's in the repos, not just installed locally, and two, is it installed. So it may actually offer two things to you in the same page, install ooo, but hold-install libre, if libre is installed.

So I think that fixes the only part of the bug I can find, thanks for noting that.
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