Converting 24 bit flac to 16 bit flac
Got a 24 bit flac file or performance and want to convert it to a more space saving 16 bit?
Follow the advice from this thread :: Code :: # Decode to WAV files
flac -d *.flac # Create destination folder mkdir resampled mv *.wav resampled cd resampled # Rename to remove all strange chars rename 's/ /_/g' *.wav # In this case we use find to execute sox for each file, Here you can edit the sox options! find . -name "*.wav" -exec sh -c 'sox -S $0 -r 48000 $0.wav && cat $0.wav > $0 && rm $0.wav' {} \; # Rename to the original names rename 's/_/ /g' *.wav # Make the flacs and remove the waves flac *.wav rm *.wav cd .. Note that this requires the apps: rename sox flac Since this is useful, I may add into the acxi script in the future. Back to top |
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