Which xorg.conf for aptosid 2011-1 amd with Liquorix kernel?
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techAdmin: I am posting here because I did use sgfxi to do the Nvidia installation. If this is better placed under Liquorix kernels please move it there. Thank you.

I decided (don’t ask why ...) yesterday to do a dist-upgrade on my aptosid 2010-3 in order to take it to 2011-1. There were no warnings at the aptosid so I did that. At that point I was routinely running Liquorix 26.37-0.dmz.7 - amd64. It was running very nicely. The smart move is to leave well enough alone. I was not smart.

Infobash -v3 returns:

Host/Kernel/OS "Home03" running Linux 2.6.37-0.slh.16-aptosid-amd64 x86_64 [ aptosid 2010-03 Ἀπάτη - xfce - (201012262151) ]
CPU Info (1) Intel Core2 Duo T6400 @ 2048 KB cache flags( sse3 ht nx lm ) clocked at [ 1200.000 MHz ]
(2) Intel Core2 Duo T6400 @ 2048 KB cache flags( sse3 ht nx lm ) clocked at [ 1200.000 MHz ]
Videocard nVidia G98 [GeForce 9300M GS] X.Org 1.9.4 [ 1680x1050@50.0hz ]
Network cards Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit
Intel WiFi Link 5100
Processes 159 | Uptime 14min | Memory 381.7/3018.9MB | HDD Hitachi HTS72322 Size 250GB (37%used) | GLX Renderer GeForce 9300M GS/PCI/SSE2 | GLX Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 260.19.36 | Client Shell | Infobash v3.34

Note that infobash reports I am running an slh kernel. The reason is that when the system was restarted following the dist-upgrade a window opened to tell me that xorg.conf was not properly configured. The nature of the problem was not specified.

If I rebooted with the slh kernel everything worked. So the questions become:

(a) Which xorg config file does Liquorix expect?
(b) How would I determine that? For example, is there a particular log file that can be consulted?
(c) What does Liquorix expect to see in the xorg.conf it opens?

As it happens I have not one but three xorg configuration files. These tend to be long so I will not reprint them all here. If wiser persons than I am can tell me what they would like to see in one or all of these I’ll be happy to supply it.

The three files are:

1. /etc/X11/xorg.conf. I believe this is the original freeware config file carried over from aptosid 2010-3.

2. /etc/X11/xorg.conf-bu-2011-02-15-04:47:10. I believe this is the config file installed by sgfxi, which I used to reinstall my Nvidia graphics non-free driver after upgrading to 2011-1.

3. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf. I believe this is the config file advised by the aptosid devs in the aptosid manual. It actually is a short file.

I am confused. If someone can tell me where to look and what to look at or repair I would appreciate it.
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First of all, whatever message you received was from the aptosid kernel I assume, liquorix wouldn't show that, neither would smxi.

So that's not anything I can help you with.

That's non standard, by the way.

Please show a more useful: inxi -d
output, which will show me what driver is actually running, and other things.

If you followed the aptosid methods for nvidia I can't help you, I don't know them or use them.

If you have a failure to install liquorix, that's another issue.

If you installed liquorix, then you'd need to reinstall nvidia almost certainly, I assume.

I try to not follow anything from aptosid other than their upgrade warnings forum section, which can be useful when sid is highly unstable.
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OK, here we go. The root of this problem turns out to be user ignorance.

The solution was here:

:: Quote ::
If you have a failure to install liquorix, that's another issue.

If you installed liquorix, then you'd need to reinstall nvidia almost certainly, I assume.

Bill is just learning about modules and kernels. When I upgraded aptosid with the slh kernel I reinstalled the nvidia firmware. I did NOT do that for the Liquorix kernel. Not understanding how things work I assumed both kernels could read the same module. Dumb, very dumb.

So in 30 seconds this morning I fired up sgfxi, installed the requisite nvidia firmware and Xserver was up and running.

As to Infobash & inxi: They are similar but not identical.

Here is Infobash:

:: Quote ::
user/computer:~$ infobash -v3
Host/Kernel/OS "Home03" running Linux 2.6.37-0.dmz.7-liquorix-amd64 x86_64 [ aptosid 2010-03 Ἀπάτη - xfce - (201012262151) ]
CPU Info (1) Intel Core2 Duo T6400 @ 2048 KB cache flags( sse3 ht nx lm ) clocked at [ 2000.000 MHz ] (2) Intel Core2 Duo T6400 @ 2048 KB cache flags( sse3 ht nx lm ) clocked at [ 1600.000 MHz ]
Videocard nVidia G98 [GeForce 9300M GS] X.Org 1.9.4 [ 1680x1050@50.0hz ]
Network cards Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Intel WiFi Link 5100
Processes 133 | Uptime 7min | Memory 355.0/3017.6MB | HDD Hitachi HTS72322 Size 250GB (37%used) | GLX Renderer GeForce 9300M GS/PCI/SSE2 | GLX Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 260.19.36 | Client Shell | Infobash v3.34

Here is inxi -d:

:: Quote ::
User/Computer:~$ inxi -d
System: Host Home03 Kernel 2.6.37-0.dmz.7-liquorix-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit) Distro Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid
CPU: Dual core Intel Core2 Duo T6400 (-MCP-) clocked at 1200.00 MHz
Graphics: Card nVidia G98 [GeForce 9300M GS] X.Org 1.9.4 Res: 1680x1050@50.0hz
GLX Renderer GeForce 9300M GS/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 260.19.36
Disks: HDD Total Size: 250.1GB (37.7% used)
Info: Processes 133 Uptime 7 min Memory 356.9/3017.6MB Client Shell inxi 1.4.23

Note: man infobash reveals that the purpose of infobash is to generate system information for IRC chats and the like. I do not do that sort of thing so it means nothing to me.

My thanks to techAdmin and I hope someone else learned something from this episode.
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now that you have resolved that issue....did you know there was no need to clean install aptosid?

a) using your old sidux or aptosid....you have a rolling release so can just continue to use smxi to take care of all your update and kernel and modules issues.....I am not sure about firmware but I assume its true as well.

If you use smxi....we can support you at this domain and aptosid ppl getting a little hot if they see you have not adhered to their new version of the World.

So I and hopefully other devotees of smxi.....never do a DU but just use smxi.

b) If you like...you can use apt-get to remove all mentions of sidux/aptosid and their respective kernels and become....debian sid protected by smxi.

c) I might add that I use to be a LXDE fanboy but have gone back to XFCE as I prefer the way file management is done in xfce.....and lxde had a package on hold for too long.

good luck
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Thank you again Aus9. Very good advice indeed. The only reason I had to reinstall aptosid is that I had moved it earlier. I returned to it when HD space allowed.

And I do know better than to do a D-U without smxi. But sometimes it seems seductively easy to go to the cli, shutdown the Xserver and just do a quick D-U with a few lines.

Readers: Aus9 is right and I frequently get burned when I forget that.

Finally your point (b) is something I am pondering. Seems to me I can get there by just changing sources.list? I think it might be the better way to go. Now that Squeeze is stable it provides my "go to" system. That allows me to use something like aptosid as a learning vehicle.
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well I am not that smart so pls don't tell readers I am good ok?

lets explore that get rid of option

Yes edit your sources and run with root powers

:: Code ::
apt-get update

to remove all sidux/aptosid try

:: Code ::
apt-get remove --purge sidux*
apt-get remove --purge aptosid*

my memory is poor but you may have to do some bits by specifying the exact package to stop lots more being removed?

c) or you can try the business card install as showing here

good luck
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Thank you! If I have time this week I might just give this a go. Your help has been much appreciated. Have a good weekend.
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