two issues using inxi
Status: Curious
Joined: 19 Jul 2010
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Location: Hamburg
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- verbose Options showing a defined set but are not verbosing other Options
- testing to reach might hang when broken internet, because there was no timeout given
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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thanks for taking a look.

Issue one I don't understand, can you clarify what you mean?

Issue two is a bug, you are correct, there should be a timeout for all wget operations the user requests, missed that one.
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For example:
Instead of verbosing wished audio parameter -v1 takes a set of various infos:
:: Quote ::
ral@maci:~> inxi -A
Audio: Card nVidia MCP79 High Definition Audio driver HDA Intel
Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Version
ral@maci:~> inxi -A -v0
Audio: Card nVidia MCP79 High Definition Audio driver HDA Intel
Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Version
ral@maci:~> inxi -A -v1
System: Host maci Kernel 2.6.34-12-desktop x86_64 (64 bit) Distro openSUSE 11.3 (x86_64) VERSION = 11.3
CPU: Dual core Intel Core2 Duo P8700 (SMP) clocked at 1596.00 MHz
Graphics: Card nVidia C79 [GeForce 9400] X.Org 1.8.0 Res: 1400x1050@50.0hz
GLX Renderer GeForce 9400/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 256.35
Audio: Card nVidia MCP79 High Definition Audio driver HDA Intel
Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Version
Disks: HDD Total Size: 320.1GB (36.2% used)
Info: Processes 148 Uptime 1:42 Memory 516.5/3684.0MB Client Shell inxi 1.4.10

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Status: Site Admin
Joined: 26 Sep 2003
Posts: 4132
Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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verbosity levels aren't meant for what you are thinking.

It's not MORE verbosity about a certain command option, it's just what -h shows, a set of options.

-x is what triggers more information, if available.

-v just triggers various sets of data, as indicated by -h.
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