Googleearth broken --again
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The most rest update that make-googleearth-package pulls in is 5.2.., is broken, tried everything I could find and nothing worked. Found a googleearth debian package that ubuntu (I know very dangerous, but it did not install anything else) that is a 5.1 version that is working fine. Makes you wonder what linux platform they are working with, because lately most of the time it seems broken. They really need to document their dependencies. I know not your fault and you have nothing to do with it. Just a gripe.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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don't apologize for gripes, you're letting people know it's a problem, and so this is useful information.

Besides, it's really annoying when things that were working stop working, that's certainly become one of my pet peeves as well.
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googleearth broken
Status: Interested
Joined: 03 Sep 2010
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As of 10/23/2010 the problem is still not fixed. After much search I found a supposed fix posted by a google employee. Said to install from your os repos the following... Install GoogleEarth-package and then as root in terminal do make-googleearth-package --force, and then just dbl clik the created deb to run it. NOT A Fix in my Mepis/Debian box updated to Sid with 2.6.32-? kernel. It installs ok,makes menu entries, but just makes a bouncing icon when I attempt to start it. I have tried it from several angles and still a dead horse but I cannot get my nvidea drivers to install in this kernel either and cannot get a aptosid kernel to to boot into x unless I'm root so I have not tried it with the aptosid kernel yet.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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this is basically how smxi installs googleearth.
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I now use Fedora, and the problem your having seems to appear on all Linux distros with recent versions of GoogleEarth. I've been using a GoogleEarth.bin file from an older install and it works fine. This has been discussed on the fedoraforum and other forums as well. The GoogleEarth.bin file I'm using is dated March 10th, 2010. That's the last one I got to work on Fedora.
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