sidux logrotate files may need tweaking?
if you do not do smxi/DU on a frequent may like to change your logrotate files so a tighter smaller total size system? 2) After changing your configs I suggest you force it as well by running :: Code ::
logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf 3) Its not for me to tell you how to tight to make them....but if the only reason is below.......a bit of reading sorry....your smxi....and dpkg style logs will work just fine -----trivia starts------ sidux default logrotate config files sit under /etc/logrotate.d/ /etc/logrotate.conf In particular...I did a clean install just recently as I borked my system with a different distro that used the old inode 128. Being subject to slow internet speeds I find it better to do a DU/smxi when I have time rather than attempt it every day etc. On a recent df reported that / was 100% use. I used partimage to restore old image until I had time to investigate it. on redoing ....and hitting same error....I ran :: Code ::
du -a / | sort -rn | less Later on I tweaked it to use /var as the first time took a while. /var/log and some of my logs were top hitters rsyslog and messages hit 4Gigs As mentioned this is because I left DU for too long but looking at what I was doing I was happy that as I could watch the screen and read smxi logs later.....losing one or more syslogs ...during....a smxi ....was no big deal suggest a tweak similar to this as long as you know you either have to use logwatch...or read you they will turn over....and cull more frequently than the default --------- feel free to improve ------------ -------------etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog contents------ /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages { rotate 5 size 80k missingok notifempty delaycompress compress postrotate invoke-rc.d rsyslog reload > /dev/null endscript } (the bit below does not IMHO need tweaking) -----------------end of contents------------- then force that rotation with the command as showing above YMMV good luck Back to top |
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