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I want to see the minimum required to install the correct packages, excluding dependencies that should get pulled in automatically, ie:


doesn't akmodd-nvidia... pull in the xorg-x11 stuff by itself? It's far better in smxi/sgfxi stuff to keep the core packages I have to track to an absolute minimum, so they don't need to be changed all the time, and any real package manager should be handling the dependencies automatically.

See what the minimum is, this list does not look right to me, expecially the xorg... drv- lib..stuff.
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@work on F11 computer, but I'll tell you what I do to get nvidia running on a new install.
yum install kernel-PAE-devel

Setup rpmfusion repo: rpm -Uvh

Install akmod-nvidia & xorg-x11: yum install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686
And NO akmod-nvidia DOESN'T pull in xorg-x11-drv-nvidia

Add rdblacklist=nouveau to /boot/grub/grub.conf

Add vmalloc=256m to /boot/grub/grub.conf because I have a PAE kernel

Enable execstack for SELinux: setsebool -P allow_execstack on

Check back later.
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I'll need the method to check the fusion repos if present.

sgfxi is adding blacklist nouveau to the .d/file you noted, I don't want to try to mess with grub2 when it comes out, it's too complicated at this point.

The kernel stuff I'm not going to worry about, for now the main problem I see is getting the candidate version data, installed is fine with rpm -qa | grep method.

Got the fedora vm working, user error. That will help me check some basic stuff.
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The vm helps a lot.

Here's the first fixes and what I've found.

kernel-devel or kernel-PAE-devel is the kernel headers package, period.

The package can be tested for easily:
headerInstalled=$( check_package_status "$headerName" 'i' )
exactly like the debian linux-headers-... package name.

So that's now pretty much fixed for fedora.

Kernel headers are stored in /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r), just like in debian, except they are in /kernels/ instead of in /usr/src/ directly.

so far so good.
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To match that, the modules will need to be installed to the actual kernel present in fedora, or being installed to.

So they need the uname -r also added to them so they install to the proper kernel. That, with the correct kernel-devel, fixes those problems from what I can see.

Still can't figure out how yum list available works, it gives error when searching for a pakcge that is clearly available, kernel-devel, both in long and short name forms.

From what I can see, fedora is not using metapackages per se, but more properly, meta names for binary packages, so the kernel-devel for example is the package that installs the latest kernel-dev for the current driver. Not particularly intuitive, no high score for fedora here.

<update>never mind, there are no PAE or kernel string labeled rpm packages for akmod, so forget that idea.

No wonder people are having problems, this is a totally incomprehensible system, I am going to make the basic -s option work, but my guess is users who want to run sgfxi should probably be running the direct run package instead, but I'll make sgfxi robust enough to revert to distro nvidia packages reasonably well.

This stuff is not nice imo, the tools aren't clear at all, nor is the naming or kernel handling clear, this is geek designed, it's totally obvious, like debian. Here's to Mark S hopefully bringing a touch of sanity into this world....
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discovered more things while trying to install vbox guest additions kernel module:

kernel-headers is a package in fedora
gcc pulls in kernel headers even if kernel-devel is installed, so that's not actually the headers I think.

Moving kernel-devel test/install to akmod

added in kernel-headers install to kernel header check function.

no /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 but can read gcc version with rpm -qa so will add a flag there.
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I'm going to give fedora a 'piss poor' ranking for this part of things.

You need to have both kernel-headers and kernel-devel packages installed for your actual active running kernel. kernel-devel creates teh required /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/ directory, which is otherwise present as a link to nowhere.

so now fedora header checks for both kernel-devel and kernel-headers.

gcc also seems to only be one, like arch, /usr/bin/gcc

I see no way to have multiple gccs, that's too bad. Score one again for Debian. rpm seems to be as weak as people in general say it is.
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:: Code ::
yum list <package>  2>/dev/null | grep -Esvi '(presto|packagekit|packages)'| awk '{print $2}'

for testing candidate, that seems to work, slow, but not too slow, but it's going to seriously slow down script execution because those tests with apt-cache policy are almost invisibly quick.
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removed a few installed tests and replaced them with type -p appname tests (logrotate, fakeroot, wget, etc), which are very fast and give the same information for concrete app names, can't be used for more abstracted package names though.
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added in a wget test, amazingly the fedora 12 live cd does NOT include wget, or nano, sigh....
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