Gigabyte long life GA-EP43-UD3L
I recently lucked into this purchase, noteworthy because this mobo is designed for long uptime, and uses Japanese capacitors (that's right, no more exploding or melting Chinese junk for you).
Manufactorer page: GA-EP43-UD3L Newegg page: Usually I prefer AMD mobos, but in this case I'm glad I went intel, though if they make the same series type for AMD I'd get that instead. The Intel fan cpu fan mount is phenomenally cheesy, it's actually hard to believe a major company like Intel allows such total cr#p to be put out, those little plastic pegs you have to force into the mobo, thus almost cracking it, are somewhat pathetic when compared a solid amd fan unit. These might be comparable: GA-MA785GPMT-UD2H GA-MA790FXT-UD5P Back to top |
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