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Also, try the updated svmi, I've redone that version detection logic, though I need the data I requested above to really be sure it will work.

It's unclear to me how multiple vbox versions could be detected, but there might have been a wrong assumption as well.

This will probably take some work, and some data, to fix completely, but the rewrite I did should help a bit.
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Before running the new svmi via smxi

The dpkg code line merely dropped me back to the console prompt.

apt-cache code line produced the following
:: Code ::


and back to prompt.

After running smxi (new svmi) and installing Vbox (it installed OK ie 'success !')

dpkg code line produced
:: Code ::


and hung

apt-cache code line produced the same as the earlier apt-cache code line.

Attempting to install GuestAdditions produced

:: Code ::
Error: (188) The required variable VBOX_INSTALLED_VERSION failed to set and is null.

Once again the above error was caught by the script and allowed me to continue.
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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After making sure you are using svmi 2.5.2

try installing the addons again, then post your /var/log/svmi.log

If the dpkg code hung, you made a mistake copying it. To copy code, do not try typing it, simply highlight with your mouse the code block, all of it, then center click on a konsole to paste it, then hit enter to run it.

This issue is almost impossible for me to diagnose without getting more useable debugging information.

Do you have other vbox versions installed? In theory this should just work, but I need to find out why it's not, the stuff I rewrote allow me better handling of failures.

:: Code ::
dpkg -l | awk '{print $2 " " $3}' |grep 'virtualbox-'

Show me that one, which should be working perfectly, unless there is some weirdness in the naming schemes.

I dropped the apt-cache search in the new version detection, so now it's just a matter of finding out why the first one is returning null.
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Here is the latest version 2.5.2 svmi.log after using smxi to successfully install VBox.

RE. your earlier code. I did highlight and copy your code into kconsol and I assure you that all that happened was that I was dropped back to the prompt. Perhaps the apt cache was empty as I often do a apt-get clean.

Anyway back to your latest code:

:: Code ::

dpkg -l | awk '{print $2 " " $3}' |grep 'virtualbox-'
virtualbox-3.0 3.0.6-52128_Debian_lenny

Attempting to install GuestAddtions failed as before. I looked in /usr/share/virtualbox and found there is GuestAdditions installed.
Later today I'll manually remove GuestAdditionst and try using svmi to re-install it.
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I was referring to the > prompt, that always means the bash statement isn't complete and bash is waiting for more information.

However, I found the cause of this bug, it was a slight regex error on my part in the new version detection function. What caused the old failure I don't know though since I rewrote that function to be more debuggable and stable to get this issue finally solved.

Thanks a lot for your patience on this bug, this issue has been around a long time, and nobody ever gave me all the data I needed to fix it.

It should be fixed now, with several side advantages, much faster script execution, no out of control errors sweeping through svmi as before in your initial log input, better error handling and better logging of errors.

All in all a big improvement. Let's see if any more bugs show up, but hopefully this is it for now.
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techAdmin: I'm try it tomorrow.

Only too pleased I can help. I'm stuffed with painkillers, suffering tremendous backache and knee pain and the only slight relief I get is sitting upright at my computer. I'm glad to be able to do something useful during this (hopefully short) period of incapacitation.
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hi techAdmin

vbox edition 3.0.8 is available

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