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What's the exact model of your compaq laptop? I'm googling some and finding things like NX561EAR. We'll the need this for the next step in troubleshooting.

The most likely solution is to use a custom DSDT or simply recompile the existing DSDT and use that at boot.

Read about it here so you know what's up ->
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It is a Compaq HP615 Modell Nr. NX560EA with 4 G ram and 320G hardisk.
I left it now with 2.6.29-4 and with that I got erverythin working exept the b43-based WLan with low-power phy.
This could have worked with some "bleeding-ede" wireles-compat. drivers but for those I needed an new initrd to include this drivers.

Well I did that with update-initramfs but on next bootup I had exactly the same errors that I had reported earlier on the 2.6.30 & -31 kernels :-((

Looks like something strange is going on there. The system was just "dued" before. Maybe some newer packages brought that in (?!)
Luckily I could use the backup of the the old initrd so I could recover on this.
I use now ndiswrapper for this card. This works so far, not too good troughput rates but good enough for the time until a newer Linux-Kernel and native WLan-Driver can be used on that.


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For reference, the b43 driver works perfectly here.

Compaq V5000, BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g].
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Look forward to 2.6.31-1.dmz.3, I'll have custom DSDT support enabled which I'm sure will let us fix your problems with newer kernels.

Read the post here ->

Most likely, you'll want to just try recompiling your DSDT. The tool used in the forum thread is iasl - it's much more strict that most 3rd party tools for building acpi source files. I just tried this technique on my own DSDT and found one bug where someone put the * character in one of the device names. All I had to do was remove it.

If you have any problems, post the errors and upload the raw dsdt somewhere so we can look at it.

EDIT: here's another useful link to read ->
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Just downloaded theis kernel, will look into that just now.
If I donot get it worked out today I will not have access agsin to this notebook until christmas/end of the year when my doughter visits us again.
She had just bougth it and had it sent to me to install linux/sidux and today shen takes it with her (300km) away. If it does not work with newer kernels yet is not a aproblem for her as long as she can use it with the older kernel and working wlan. So donot get into pressure this is actually not really an emergency issue.

well, the newer b43 chips (4312, 4315) use low power phys. And those seem not to be supported by the standard b43 module yet. There is some newer/unreleased software available which should solve that but unfortunately I didnot get it into a working 2.6.29-4 kernel resp. initrd. May be the last kernels from damentz will help. If not, ndiswrapper will have to help out for while.


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I installed your new kernel and it worked first right out of the box with exeption of b43 which didn't andle thes low-phys. Got me the compat-wirless package, compiled it and made a new initramfs ==> didn't work any more (same problem as with earlere 2.6.30 &31 kernels) ! 8:((
remove the new kernel and newly compiled modules completely and reinstalled the kernel like I did before ==> noc sucess! This is really a strange box:-D

I looked into those DSDT dokus you mentioned and found/decided that I will not try this now. there only around 3 hour left where I could work with that machine and thats not enough as also some other tasks are waiting already.
Will prepare on that before my daughters next visit (around end of year).

One more interesting thing: on bootup the 2.6.29-kernel as well as your new 2.6.31 one complained shortly on/about :
cannot reserve MMIO region

Maybe this gives a hint.
I will continue to test your kernels on my older 66-based laptop.


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Installed your upcoming 2.6.31-1 kernel on my 686 based ex Compaq Armada 1750. Congrats !! It works right out of the box !!

The mentioned pIIIcache-module also works again as before.


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