JavaScript RegExp Tester Source Code
Use this code, <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- function demoMatchClick() { var re = new RegExp(document.demoMatch.regex.value); if (document.demoMatch.subject.value.match(re)) { alert("Successful match"); } else { alert("No match"); } } function demoShowMatchClick() { var re = new RegExp(document.demoMatch.regex.value); var m = re.exec(document.demoMatch.subject.value); if (m == null) { alert("No match"); } else { var s = "Match at position " + m.index + ":\n"; for (i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { s = s + m[i] + "\n"; } alert(s); } } function demoReplaceClick() { var re = new RegExp(document.demoMatch.regex.value, "g"); document.demoMatch.result.value = document.demoMatch.subject.value.replace(re, document.demoMatch.replacement.value); } // --> </SCRIPT> <FORM ID="demoMatch" NAME="demoMatch" METHOD=POST ACTION="javascript:void(0)"> <P>Regexp: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="regex" VALUE="\bt[a-z]+\b" SIZE=50></P> <P>Subject string: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="subject" VALUE="This is a test of the JavaScript RegExp object" SIZE=50></P> <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Test Match" ONCLICK="demoMatchClick()"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Show Match" ONCLICK="demoShowMatchClick()"></P> <P>Replacement text: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="replacement" VALUE="replaced" SIZE=50></P> <P>Result: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="result" VALUE="click the button to see the result" SIZE=50></P> <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Replace" ONCLICK="demoReplaceClick()"></P> </FORM> Back to top |
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