(SOLVED)smxi cannot detect internet connection active
I did two things. 1) changed hostname using hostname command. 2)got samba mountpoints up and running. Took me a few tries.
As a result since then smxi can not find a connection even though ceni says it is active, and I can browse all over the world. Along the same line, apt-get acts like there is no connection. Is there a common file they use to determine what connections are available that is different from ceni and most other internet apps? And if yes what can I do to fix the situation. I am using basically a sidux distro. Back to top |
Dumb-dee-dumb-dumb. Never believe everything on forums or do something when you are very tired. I found something that was very good advice related to nsswitch.conf and being too tired did not think through what he was saying.
on the line: hosts: he gave an example, so I cut and pasted instead of just adding wins before dns, which was the whole point. The result ended with things getting apt very confused and therefore gave up thinking I was not connected. Back to top |
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