how do I use smxi/sgxi on debian squeze?
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hi, budies,

how do I use smxi/sgxi on debian squeze? Is the same way the sidux way? I appreciate your helpful hints.
Best Regards.
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For now, read this debian business card install thread.

Also read the debian testing + sid pinned to testing thread.

Ideally there would be a fast clean Debian Testing livecd type installer, but there isn't one available yet that I am aware of.

That's a project however that's well worth considering in my opinion.

smxi is largely designed from the inside out to run on debian now as default, the end of sidux as we knew it was fairly obvious a year ago, so I changed the focus of smxi starting about 1 year ago from sidux to pure debian, while still maintaining sidux support of course.

The ideal is to build the system from scratch, using no debian desktop metapackages at all, since they tend to have far too much extra stuff n them.

smxi is still missing a few key sections for a complete start to finish system, mainly multimedia apps etc. But we can work those issues out.

The main things that have to be fixed on a debian pure install is menu.lst, xorg.conf, and fstab. The defaults there are not very solid, sidux does a much better job with those.

And of course, using human readable partition labels instead of UUIDs vastly simplifies this process as well.

There's more we can talk about. My future plans do not include installing sidux, using Sid in my opinion for most users is not a good idea at all, it never was, and Debian certainly had no intention of Sid being used in this way, so to really stay with Debian ideas, I think Testing, plus building a good knowledge base, is the way to go.
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