special note on kde 4 upgrader runlevel change
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Joined: 26 Sep 2003
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Because kdm is purged and reinstalled, your default display manager, kdm, runlevels might change.

this will NOT affect Debian straight users who use standard defaults, but it will affect sidux, antix (who use kdm/kde), and mepis users.

To reset kdm defaults to start in 5 (sidux/mepis/antix defaults) you can either install sysv-rc-conf and scroll to kdm, and use your space bar to uncheck each runlevel other than 5, then hit q to exit.

These changes are done, so be careful with that space bar!! There is no 'undo' or 'cancel' button in sysv-rc-conf

You can also use the smxi tool in misc tweaks, advanced tweaks, set default runlevels.

I probably should have added in an automated updating for kdm but I didn't, partially because I'm simply not familiar with the new insserv stuff sidux is using, and didn't want to mess with it without some input from sidux devs, which of course they won't provide anymore.

I'm sorry about this issue, but that's how it goes on these bumps, you have to reset stuff now and then.

But since it's quite easy to reset your runlevels with either method listed above, I think that's ok for now. But I might add some automation as a pre du fix, or post du, I'll think about it.
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