Hi from UncleVom
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I just decided to stop by and sign-up and say thanks for all you put into smxi.

With the exception of one Windows XP box, that I can't shed for various reasons, my computers run Debian stable, testing and sidux-ified sid.

These forums look like a good resource for many things I will try to be on my best behavior with postings.

Thanks again,

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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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perfect test platforms, with latest smxi, all your non windows boxes support smxi now, stable, testing, and sid flavors.
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I didn't realize I could use it on stable or lenny.

I can't see me using it on the stable box as it pretty much just sits there boringly stable, but maybe when I update to lenny in a few months.

My testing install was getting a little ragged around the edges with junk accumulation. so I just saved my /home partition and did a plain text netinst of today's testing build. I then used smxi to put it together with KDE and various bits and pieces and it went flawlessly.

Your smxi script and related pieces sure make setting things up easy. I don't think I'll do another Debian install without using it. :-)

Thanks once again,

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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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thanks for the feedback unclevom, seems like things are working as intended.

The debian parts are of course still works in progress, and any feedback/must haves in the package install section is appreciated.

Just keep in mind, I try to make the packages the basic steps install something everyone should have, even if they don't know they should have it.

Still missing there is a multimedia section, for things like k3b, amarok, audacious, and all their various plugins people might not know about, also for light/kde type installs.

That's the only real thing it's missing.

Highly recommended: aptitude over apt-get. I'll be posting some more threads on that topic, and also appreciate feedback.
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