Recommended distro for smxi
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I know you from Kanotix -> sidux.
I just wanted to see if there was a "recommended distro" for smxi. It used to be sidux. Is it still sidux?

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No, there's no recommended distro. Basically, this is what I recommend:

If you want a stable, solid, unchanging but also unbreaking system, use Debian stable. smxi runs on debian stable more or less, but after the initial install / setup of etch, there's not a lot of need to use smxi for most things.

If you want a decently up to date system, maybe missing a few broken packages and buggy things, but without most of the problems of sid, use Debian Testing. I need to do a live day to day install of testing for my own use to make sure it does everything I need, so far I'm just doing testing installs of Testing, so to speak, and I like what I see, but you need to use it every day to really know.

For Debian sid, that is completely up to user preferences, if you like how sidux handles things, use sidux, otherwise if you run smxi the first time on a pure debian sid system, it will ask you a few options, for sid, if you want to add sidux sources (for kernels and hotfixes), sidux sources and sidux scripts, or just leave debian sid as is.

My recommendation for Debian sid, whether or not you use sidux to start, is to always at least use sidux sources, because the sources will provide broken package fixes that smxi will often not handle very well because most smxi users use sidux, so they wouldn't provide warnings quickly enough about broken packages in sid fixed by sidux.

I can tell you that debian itself wants people who want an always updating desktop to use Testing, not sid, and after a few years of using sid, I agree, it breaks a lot, I know, because I have supplied many of the fixes in smxi over the years, and I don't really think the sid thing is a great idea for most people, but sidux + smxi have proven that it can be done, and will continue to be done for the foreseeable future.

That's about all I can tell you, that's my current point of view, my views will modify over time, but so far I am very happy with etch, and if appropriate, will upgrade to Lenny on the stable systems I maintain, and my current feeling is that long term, debian testing is the way to go, running aptitude.

Oh, yes, by the way, aptitude is really a good tool, but you have to build the system with it.

This is why smxi now offers the option to build a system from debian lenny business card install iso, a process I need to write a how to for, because there are few critical steps to avoid installing the default debian desktop, which is gnome, and bloated, or kde, which is bloated.

What I have done on every single test install I've done, either in vm or on various boxes I come across, is to use business card to install base system, no x, no desktop, then use smxi to build the base system.

I still need to add a few package groups to make the process smoother, but basically, you can install a no x system, reboot, run smxi without stopping, and start x with a full, light desktop of your choice, with nothing extra added.

This is my current preference, and the choice of stable, testing, or sid, is one you can decide based on your own preferences. And no matter which choice you make, I've been working heavily on smxi to support any choice you want to make.
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Thank you for the detailed explanation. It makes everything very clear. Thanks again.
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That was an excellent post, thanx!
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Thanks, h2.

I've been debating with myself over the last few months over how to get more done with less hassle. I had broken systems after the Grub "improvement" that broke older installs.

I have tried the brown, the blue, green, the black, but I like a stable, secure system that I can just work on. I like Debian systems. I have played with the system sufficiently. At my age, I will never be more than a system tinkerer, so it's time to get on with living, working and enjoying.

Thanks for the breath of fresh air.

I have used aptitude on sidux.
It is said that confession is good for the soul.
I feel good.

Looking forward to the guidelines on stability.

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Since I posted this, things have moved along well.

I did my first test of aptitude on sidux, and, in a week or two, will convert my main box to use aptitude as well. If you are a current sidux user, please read everything there, including the warnings and advice.

GoinEasy9 posted a good initial how to do a business card + smxi install, that's quite complete.

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so it's time to get on with living, working and enjoying.

Hear hear, I agree 100%, it's time to do just that. Don't be surprised to see those words appear one day in maybe a Debian + smxi smxi message...
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