smxi + sgfxi prepared for new nvdia legacy 5xxx handling
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Location: East Coast, West Coast? I know it's one of them.
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With the new 177 drivers from nvidia (sgfxi -co 177.68 for testing them currently), support has been dropped for nvidia GeForce FX 5xxx cards.

sgfxi and smxi now have testing and support for that change built in, with error handling. You won't see this change in smxi until 177xx becomes the new stable driver, then you'll see a new option if you run 5xxx nvidia cards, for installing the latest supported 173xx drivers.

We'll see how this goes realworld, for now it's fine, but I'm not sure how the legacy driver + latest kernel support will go for 5xxx cards, nvidia has been pretty good about that with their 9x and 7x series legacy drivers though.

If you find an error with sgfxi card detections, please post the output from this:
lspci -nn | VGA
here so I can double check the card version number detections.
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