new smxi for Debian and Debian based installations !!!
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Dear Friends here, Dear h2,
I just informed (from h2) about the new version of smxi that should work and gives us the option of running smxi without any changes, running it and adding sidux sources, or running it and doing a basic sidux conversion, also to let debian based distribution run smxi natively with either sidux sources added for sidux fixes and kernels, or without sidux sources at all, to only use smxi itself.

That is a very helpful extension for smxi for all Debian (or Debian based) users.

I have only one question, I running Debian testing in my office pc and I have manually installed smxi (old version). How can "erase" the old version in order to have installed the more natively version?

Best Regards,
Mike Kranidis
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It depends on what you want to do.

If you want to remove sidux running actively in your system and run straight testing, do this:

remove the sidux sources from /etc/sources.list or /etc/sources.list.d/sidux.list

Make sure to remove all references in those sources for 'sidux', even in comments, or the detection will think you still have them installed.

Then remove this file: /etc/sidux-version

You can either leave installed the various sidux components, which should be ok I think, or remove them, to get list of installed sidux parts, use this:

:: Code ::
dpkg -l | grep sidux | cut -d ' ' -f 3

Study the list to make sure there's no non sidux packages

You can also run the removal in -s simulation mode first to see what happens:
:: Code ::

installed=$(dpkg -l | grep sidux | cut -d ' ' -f 3);for i in $installed;do apt-get remove --purge -s $i;done

My advice would be to leave the stuff in and just manually remove whatever you don't want.

Once these steps are completed, simply restart smxi and it will ask you to make some choices about how it runs.

I am going to try to make all core testing as dynamic and robust as I can, of course, I'm finding and fixing issues, but the core features pretty much all work.

I'll have one last one done today, but it's just a nice addon, not critical yet.

Please let me know how this turns out for you, the more information I can collect now the better.

My primary testing system for these new features is a very stripped down debian testing, built from shell only install, netinstall cd, no desktop, then using only smxi package install to install the desktop (basic kde) and components I need.

This lets me easily find what packages I have to test for and install to run smxi cleanly on non sidux systems.
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