On all new 3.0 kernels dmraid fails to activate raid0 array.
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Thank you for all your hard work creating custom kernels for us.
I have been using your kernels for sometime now without any issue I could not resolve on my own. That is until the 3.0 updates starting showing up. As of the last release that I just installed (3.0-3.dmz.1-liquorix-686) on Ubunty 11.04, the initrd.img is still not being created automatically... which is not the issue really I just manually create it with "update-initramfs". The real issue that I'm having trouble with is dmraid is not able to activate the raid0 array on which I have my root partition. This has been a problem with all Liquorix 3.0 releases so far. The necessary modules all seem to be there, the configuration did not change, and dmraid activates fine with other generic kernels (3.0.3 from Ubuntu mainline). Perhaps you excluded a driver for dmraid? Or its a version issue as someone else hinted at (with LVM issue)? I'm sorry for my noobish approach to this. I do have gcc 4.6 and module-init-tools from unofficial Ubuntu repos...
Also, just to let you know, on another Ubuntu 11.04x64 machine (dell laptop) I still get "rtc error" with the latest 3.0-3 kernel (but not on desktop mentioned above) and initrd.img issue but it runs very well otherwise as I went around those issues.
If you have any ideas as to why dmraid fails to work properly with your kernels that would be great. I have "googled" for various fixes for past 4 days without any success...
Thank you once again.
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Sorry that dm-raid45 is not working for you. I'm using the newest patches from opensuse that are now patched upstream to the zen-kernel here: git.zen-kernel.org/zen-stable/log/?h=dm-raid45

OpenSuse has a list of patches that are applied with their build service:

:: Code ::
   # device-mapper
+needs_update   patches.suse/dm-mpath-accept-failed-paths
+needs_update   patches.suse/dm-mpath-detach-existing-hardware-handler
+needs_update   patches.suse/dm-mpath-evaluate-request-result-and-sense

There are a few patches that are marked as "+needs_update". We may need to wait until the OpenSuse kernel packers find an acceptable update that works for 3.0.

And, there's always the possibility that you're userspace is incompatible with the module. If that's true, we won't see any updates to the module from opensuse.
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Thanks for looking into the issue...at least I have a clue as to why it doesn't work anymore...
I will have to wait and see if it will get patched.

Thank you.
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I'm not sure if you changed anything else besides the version # to 3.0.0 in the latest kernel update but my dmraid now activates the way it supposed to.
I'm back to running Liquorix kernel!
Thanks to whoever came up with a fix! :)
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Hey...I just tried upgrading to your latest 3.2.1 kernel and I'm getting the same error again...Dmraid does not activate for my raid0 array...I'm no expert but I'm suspecting it's the kernel version numbering again. Since 3 number structuring as in generic kernels and previous 3.1.0-* did not cause any issues with dmraid and each 2 number calling 3.1-0 or 3.2-1 seems to break its proper function. It's probably unfair of me to expect you to change the version numbering and recompiling just to accommodate a single user with quirky dated setup but will you at least consider it for next batch? Thank you very much for all your great work... :)
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try to see if this three number thing is the issue, and if it is, which I also remember, please file an urgent bug report to whoever in dmraid project has failed to fix this. They have had a year to do that.

However, as with all bug reports, make certain that the issue has not already been fixed in the latest dmraid versions upstream. Ie, make sure it's not your distro being late to package it, or failing to update.
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deltitnu, the next version you see in the repository should restore the 3.X.0 numbering style. In the meantime, maybe you should see if there's any newer userspace for dmraid since I'm probably not going to retain the 3 part kernel version in 3.3.
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Thank you very...I don't see any newer versions...not in standard or backports Ubuntu repos or the PPAs which I'm already using...I will attempt to contact the package maintainer there and report this bug...hopefully something will pan out of it, but given the history of dmraid that hope is bleak. Thanks once again. :)
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